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Viral! Unique and Long Names of Elementary and Junior High School Students Like Trains, Netizens: Making Prospective Husbands and Officiants Nervous During the Wedding Ceremony
Viral! Unique and Long Names of Elementary and Junior High School Students Like Trains, Netizens: Making Prospective Husbands and Officiants Nervous During the Wedding Ceremony Unique and Long Names of Elementary and Junior High School Students Like Trains

Dream - In a child's name, there are hopes and prayers from parents. That's why giving a child a name requires careful consideration.

Many parents give their children names that are a combination of their own names. Some are inspired by beautiful words in foreign languages.

It is not uncommon for parents, unaware of their child's name being as long as a train, to want their child to become successful.

Like the viral names of the following girls and boys, uploaded by the Twitter account @kegblgnunfaedh.

Parents named Awan Gunawan and Dinda Marlina Gunawan gave their children unique and very long names.

Their children's names went viral after Awan uploaded a moment of his wife picking up the report cards of their two children who are still in elementary and junior high school.

Through a Facebook post, the report card cover of Awan and Dinda's youngest child shows an unusual name.

It can be seen on the report card cover that Awan and Dinda's daughter's name is Akulah Cinta di Langit Prudence Lovely Princess Of Awanamp.

If totaled, the long and wide name is composed of 9 words. It seems that these 9 words do not fit in the name writing box on the report card.

Not only is the number of words unusual, the nickname for their child, as long as a train, also surprised netizens.

Viral unique and long names of children make prospective husbands nervous during the wedding ceremony.

In the post, Awan calls his youngest child Piyuy. It is truly contrasting with his very long name.

"According to Bu Erin, Piyuy's kind-hearted homeroom teacher, Piyuy's learning abilities have improved a lot this semester. From being very shy to starting to talk...," writes Awan.

Awan and Dinda also gave unique and long names to their other two children.

Just like before, the name writing box on the report card cannot accommodate their long names.

This can be seen from the report card cover of Awan and Dinda's second child who is in junior high school. Their child's name is Bening Putri Berkilau Nairinia Aisya Ayunda Molin Molina Princess Of Awanamp 1st. Like Piyuy, the nickname for this second child is also very short, Kilau.

The same goes for the only son of Awan and Dinda, who was named Muhammad Corel Rainbow Early Prince Of Awanap 1st. Unfortunately, it is not mentioned how Awan and Dinda call their son.

Netizens were amazed by the very long names of Awan and Dinda's children. They couldn't imagine when all three of Awan and Dinda's children get married.

"It will definitely be a heavy memorization for the prospective husband and the officiant during the wedding ceremony 🤣," exclaimed netizens.

Source: Facebook

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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