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No Need to Panic, Know the Triggers of Feeling Bloated Stomach and During Pregnancy

No Need to Panic, Know the Triggers of Feeling Bloated Stomach and During Pregnancy

No Need to Panic, Know the Triggers When the Stomach Feels Tight During Pregnancy

Dream - Pregnant women, especially those who are experiencing it for the first time, usually have an increased level of anxiety. This is due to hormonal changes and the tendency to always be 'on alert' in protecting the fetus in their womb.

No Need to Panic, Know the Triggers When the Stomach Feels Tight During Pregnancy

In addition to feeling nauseous, cramps and pain can occur at any time. One of the common sensations is lower abdominal pain or when the stomach feels very tight and rigid.

No Need to Panic, Know the Triggers When the Stomach Feels Tight During Pregnancy

When the feeling of tightness arises, it is undeniable that a sense of worry emerges. In certain conditions, a tight stomach during pregnancy is actually something that should not be worried about, but it can also be a sign of danger.

Then what are the causes?1. Uterine GrowthAccording to Dr. Anita Amalia Sari from, a tight stomach during the first month of pregnancy occurs because the uterus stretches and grows. The stretching uterus is necessary to provide a comfortable and suitable space for the developing fetus. This is very normal.

2. Miscarriage

"Stomach tightness in early pregnancy can also be caused by a miscarriage. If a miscarriage occurs, it is usually accompanied by spotting or bleeding. This condition should be immediately brought to the attention of a doctor. 'Stomach tightness that needs to be watched out for is when it is accompanied by spotting or bleeding, or when there is tissue coming out of the female genitalia accompanied by pain or cramps in the lower back,' said Dr. Anita."

3. Round Ligament Pain

Pain in the round ligament, quoted from the UK National Health Service, is also one of the reasons why the stomach feels tight during pregnancy. This condition often occurs in mothers during the second trimester of pregnancy. The stomach feels tight because the size of the fetus is getting bigger and potentially pressing on the walls of the stomach, causing complaints of a tight stomach.

Stretching in the round ligament also triggers the occurrence of sharp and uncomfortable pain. Sometimes this tightness in the stomach appears suddenly and spreads to the lower abdomen.

5. Dehydration

According to Dr. Anita's statement, dehydration experienced during pregnancy can also cause complaints of a tight stomach. There is a possibility that this dehydration is related to contractions. Therefore, make sure that pregnant women meet their daily fluid needs by drinking enough water. Source:

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