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Samarkan Bintik Gelap di Kulit, Coba Pakai Jus Timun

"Blur Dark Spots on the Skin, Try Using Cucumber Juice"

Dream - For Dream friends who want glowing and blemish-free skin, occasionally try using ingredients from the kitchen. Yep, from the kitchen! Just use cucumber juice. Cucumbers, which are usually found in salads, can be a source of skin nutrition. This trick has been used by women for centuries. There are several ways to try using cucumber juice to achieve brighter skin and reduce dark spots.

Samarkan Bintik Gelap di Kulit, Coba Pakai Jus Timun

"Brightening Skin"

If you want brighter skin, cucumber juice is the right solution. The antioxidant and silica content in cucumbers help revitalize the skin. The way to do it is by mixing cucumber juice with a little lemon juice and honey. Apply this mixture to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. The vitamin C content in lemon and the calming properties of cucumber will make the skin glow.

Samarkan Bintik Gelap di Kulit, Coba Pakai Jus Timun

"Reducing Dark Spots"

Dark spots can make your mood down, but don't worry! Cucumber juice has natural whitening properties that can help fade those spots. Here's how: Mix cucumber juice with a little turmeric and yogurt. Apply this paste to the area affected by dark spots and leave it on for 15 minutes. Turmeric will work effectively, while cucumber will soothe your skin.

Samarkan Bintik Gelap di Kulit, Coba Pakai Jus Timun

"Hidrasi" means "Hydration" in English.

Preserving HTML tags: "Keeping the skin hydrated is very important to achieve radiant skin. Cucumbers contain about 95% water, making them an excellent natural moisturizer. To do this, create a refreshing face spray by mixing cucumber juice with rose water. Spray it on your face throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated and glowing."

Samarkan Bintik Gelap di Kulit, Coba Pakai Jus Timun

Eye Mask to Reduce Swelling

Feeling tired with swollen eyes after a day of activities? Slices of cucumber really give amazing results, you know! The way to use it is easy, cut two slices of cucumber, place them on closed eyes, and relax for 15 minutes. The cooling effect of the cucumber will reduce swelling and provide freshness to the eyes. Make use of the wonders of cucumber in your skincare routine, Dream Friend. Source: Boldsky.

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