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3 Resep Pindang Tongkol Balado, Bikin Ingin Terus Tambah Nasi<br>

3 Recipes for Spicy Balado Tuna, Making You Want to Keep Adding Rice

3 Pindang Tongkol Balado Recipes, Making You Want to Keep Adding Rice

Dream - Pindang tuna is one of the popular fish dishes in the market. Tuna fish is cut into pieces and then cooked through boiling and salting process, which is called pindang.

3 Pindang Tongkol Balado Recipes, Making You Want to Keep Adding Rice

This dish makes the fish more durable and also enhances its taste. Mackerel can be processed in various ways, one of which is the favorite, balado seasoning. Here is a very delicious and must-try recipe for balado mackerel that should be recooked at home.

3 Pindang Tongkol Balado Recipes, Making You Want to Keep Adding Rice

Recipe for Simple Balado Tuna

Ingredients: 2 pieces of pindang tongkol, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, ½ teaspoon of salt, ½ teaspoon of powdered broth, sufficient amount of cooking oil, ½ finger of crushed galangal, 2 small tomatoes, 3 cloves of garlic, 5 cloves of shallots, 5 curly chili peppers, 9 bird's eye chili peppers.


How to Make: Prepare a frying pan and heat the oil. Fry the half-cooked mackerel until it becomes half-cooked. Prepare the ingredients for the ground spices and grind them using a mortar and pestle. Sauté the ground spices using the remaining oil from frying the mackerel earlier. Sauté until cooked and fragrant. Pour in water and let it boil. Add the mackerel and season with salt, powdered broth, and sugar. Adjust the taste according to individual preference. Cook until the liquid reduces and the spices are absorbed. Once cooked, remove from heat and serve.

Recipe for Homemade Spicy Balado Mackerel Stew

Ingredients: 1 box of mackerel, 1 tomato, 2 red chili peppers, 2 cloves of garlic, 4 shallots, 5 curly chili peppers, 1 bay leaf, 1 stalk of lemongrass (crushed), ½ teaspoon of salt, ½ teaspoon of mushroom broth, 3 lime leaves (remove the stems).


Cara Membuat:Siapkan wajan dan panaskan minyak. Goreng ikan tongkol sampai menjadi setengah matang, tiriskan dan sisihkan.Haluskan cabe–cabean dan bawang-bawangan dengan menggunakan chopper atau blender.Tumis bumbu halus dan bumbu cemplung sampai menjadi harum atau tanak. Bumbui dengan garam dan kaldu jamur.Masukkan pindang tongkol, aduk merata.Masak sebentar sampai tongkol matang dan bumbu meresap sempurna.Jika sudah matang, angkat dan sajikan. Translation: How to make: Prepare a frying pan and heat the oil. Fry the mackerel until it is half cooked, drain and set aside. Blend the chili and onions using a chopper or blender. Sauté the blended spices and whole spices until fragrant or cooked. Season with salt and mushroom broth. Add the boiled mackerel, mix well. Cook briefly until the mackerel is cooked and the spices are well absorbed. Once cooked, remove from heat and serve.

3 Pindang Tongkol Balado Recipes, Making You Want to Keep Adding Rice

Recipe for Balado Tongkol Fish with Basil Leaves

Ingredients: ¼ of a pindang tuna, 1 piece of ginger, 2 red chili peppers, 2 tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 5 cloves of shallots, a sufficient amount of basil leaves.


How to Make: Prepare a frying pan and heat the oil. Fry the mackerel until half cooked, set aside. Steam the tomatoes and red chili, remove the seeds and blend them using a blender. Thinly slice the shallots and garlic. Sauté them together with basil leaves and the blended seasoning until fragrant. Add the mackerel and stir evenly. Cook for a while until the seasoning is fully absorbed. Once cooked, remove from heat and serve. Source:

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