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Recipe for Sweet and Savory Shrimp Rempeyek from Chef Willgoz

Recipe for Sweet and Savory Shrimp Rempeyek from Chef Willgoz

Sweet and Savory Shrimp Rempeyek Recipe by Chef Willgoz

Dream - The typical menu of Padang restaurants is not only rendang, dendeng, and ayam pop. Side dishes like shrimp rempeyek are also a favorite of many people when dining at Padang restaurants.

"Shrimp rempeyek has a savory and slightly sweet texture. The chewy shrimp texture also makes it even more delicious. Although shrimp rempeyek is sold in quite large sizes, maybe Sahabat Dream won't be satisfied with just one piece. If you want to try or eat shrimp rempeyek to your heart's content, try Chef William Gozali's recipe below at home. Swipe up!"


4 cloves of garlic 1/2 turmeric root 1/2 kencur root 3 candlenuts 1 teaspoon coriander 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon chicken broth 300 grams of shrimp 200 grams of rice flour 50 grams of sago flour 25 grams of wheat flour 4 kaffir lime leaves 1 egg 150 ml of instant coconut milk 300 ml of cold water Cooking oil

"How to Make Shrimp Rempeyek"

Step 1Sprinkle the shrimp with a pinch of salt and mix well to enhance the sweetness of the shrimp. Use shrimp that still have their heads for a more delicious rempeyek taste.

<b>Langkah 2</b>

"Step 2"

Grind the garlic, turmeric, galangal, candlenut, coriander, salt, and chicken broth. Sahabat Dream can grind them using a mortar and pestle or blender.

<b>Langkah 3</b>

Step 3

Mix rice flour, sago flour, eggs, ground spices, wheat flour, coconut milk, and water. Stir well. When pouring instant coconut milk, do it slowly while stirring the flour mixture.

<b>Langkah 4</b><br>

"Step 4"

Add thinly sliced ​​orange leaves and shrimp to the flour mixture. Stir well. Make sure the consistency of the mixture is not too thick before frying.

<b>Langkah 5</b><br>

Step 5

Heat the oil over medium heat in a wide stainless steel pan and fry the shrimp crackers. First, put in the flour dough and add the shrimp in the middle.

Lift the shrimp rempeyek when cooked and crispy, then serve with warm rice and rendang, chicken, or grilled fish to make it even more delicious.

Sweet and Savory Shrimp Rempeyek Recipe by Chef Willgoz
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