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Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan Targets 100 Wealthy Individuals for Taxes, Here is a List of the 50 Richest People in Indonesia.

Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan Targets 100 Wealthy Individuals for Taxes, Here is a List of the 50 Richest People in Indonesia.

Dream - Anies Baswedan, Presidential Candidate (number 1) promises to pursue the taxes of the top 100 richest individuals in Indonesia if he is elected as President in the upcoming 2024 Election. The former minister in President Joko Widodo's era wants to create a tax system that prioritizes the principle of justice. When asked about his courage to pursue the 100 taxpayers from the billionaire class, Anis diplomatically answered the question.

"Chase Tax 100 Richest People in Indonesia"

"The question is 'are you brave?' Is there any debt of gratitude? The 100 richest people dare not meet, hahaha," laughed Anies in YouTube Anies Baswedan, quoted on Thursday, December 28, 2023."

Anies, in his campaign in the 2024 Presidential Election, promised to create a fair tax system if elected as President. He believes that the wealth of the 100 richest individuals in Indonesia is greater than the wealth of 100 million Indonesian citizens.

100 Wajib Pajak Tajir yang Bakal `Dikejar` Capres Anies Baswedan, Ini Daftar 50 Orang Terkaya RI

"We want our tax system to be fair. We are only talking about the 100 richest and the wealth of those 100 richest is more than the 100 million population of Indonesia. It is a picture of inequality. That's why our formula is to enlarge the small without diminishing the large."

"ungkapnya" translates to "he/she expressed" in English.


Through the policy of pursuing taxes from the 100 richest people in the country with a fair system, Anies believes that the benefits that will be felt will be greater. "Almost everyone at the top gains such wealth due to the privileges granted by the state. Whether it's mining, plantations, or anything else, it comes from the state. There may be 1-2 who gained it through market activities, pure economics, but the majority gained opportunities from the state. The benefits should be felt by many people," said Anies.

"100 Richest People in Indonesia"

Based on the Forbes list, the Hartono brothers, namely Robert Budi Hartono and Michael Bambang Hartono, still hold the first position, with a wealth of US$48 billion or around Rp 740.88 trillion. They are then followed by Prajogo Pangestu and Low Tuck Kwong.


List of the 50 Richest People in Indonesia 2023 according to Forbes: 1. R. Budi & Michael Hartono - US$48 Billion 2. Prajogo Pangestu - US$43.7 Billion 3. Low Tuck Kwong - US$27.2 Billion 4. Widjaja Family - US$10.8 Billion 5. Anthoni Salim & Family - US$10.3 Billion 6. Sri Prakash Lohia - US$8.5 Billion 7. Chairul Tanjung - US$5.7 Billion 8. Agoes Projosasmito - US$5.4 Billion 9. Lim Hariyanto Wijaya Sarwono - US$4.8 Billion 10. Dewi Kam - US$4.45 Billion

11. Jogi Hendra Atmadja             family - US$4.4 Billion 12. Djoko Susanto - US$4.35 Billion 13. Setiawan Family - US$4.3 Billion 14. Tahir & family - US$4.2 Billion 15. Bachtiar Karim & family - US$3.9 Billion 16. Susilo Wonowidjojo & family - US$3.6 Billion 17. Garibaldi Thohir & family - US$3.3 Billion 18. Martua Sitorus - US$3.25 Billion 19. Theodore Rachmat - US$3.2 Billion 20. Sukanto Tanoto - US$3.15 Billion

21. Wijono & Hermanto Tanoko & family - US$3.05 Billion 22. Hilmi Panigoro & family - US$2.8 Billion 23. Alexander Ramlie - US$2.5 Billion 24. Ciliandra Fangiono & family - US$2.35 Billion 25. Peter Sondakh - US$2.1 Billion 26. Otto Toto Sugiri - US$1.8 Billion 27. Putera Sampoerna & family - US$1.75 Billion 28. Ciputra family - US$1.7 Billion 29. Bambang Sutantio - US$1.65 Billion 30. Hamami family - US$1.6 Billion

31. Jenny Quantero & Engki Wibowo - US$1.5 Billion 32. Manoj Punjabi - US$1.45 Billion 33. Kiki Barki - US$1.41 Billion 34. Mochtar Riady & family - US$1.4 Billion 35. Soegiarto Adikoesoemo - US$1.35 Billion 36. Arini Subianto & family - US$1.34 Billion 37. Murdaya Poo - US$1.3 Billion 38. Eddy Sugianto - US$1.25 Billion 39. Edwin Soeryadjaya & family - US$1.24 Billion 40. Haryanto Tjiptodihardjo - US$1.2 Billion

41. Sjamsul Nursalim - $1.17 Billion 42. Husain Djojonegoro & family - $1.15 Billion 43. Benny Suherman - $1.1 Billion 44. Irwan Hidayat & family - $1.08 Billion 45. Kuncoro Wibowo & family - $1.05 Billion 46. Eddy Katuari & family - $1.03 Billion 47. Marina Budiman - $1.01 Billion 48. Sulistyo Family - $1 Billion 49. Husodo Angkosubroto & family - $960 Million 50. Sabana Prawirawidjaja & family - $940 Million

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