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Jokowi Bolehkan Masyarakat Gadaikan Sertifikat Tanah, Tapi Ada Syaratnya

"Jokowi Allows the Public to Pawn Land Certificates, But There Are Conditions"

Dream - Jokowi allows the public to pawn land certificates. However, the president, whose full name is Joko Widodo, advised that pawning certificates should be done for productive activities. Not only that, the former Governor of Jakarta also warned that the public who pawns certificates must be able to pay installments. Jokowi conveyed this message at the Land Certificate Handover Event for the People of East Java Province in GOR Delta, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java.

"If you want this certificate to be enrolled, please enroll it, it's okay, but I ask that it be carefully considered, enrolled for what,"

word Jokowi, quoted from, Thursday, December 28, 2023.

“Kalau ingin sertifikat ini disekolahkan, silakan disekolahkan tidak apa-apa, tetapi saya minta betul-betul dihitung, disekolahkan untuk apa,”

Jokowi asked the public to thoroughly calculate their sources of income and ability to pay installments and loan interest. This should be done before deciding to pawn the land certificates that have just been symbolically distributed by the President to 4,000 residents in East Java.

"However, be careful in calculating how much you want to borrow, whether it's Rp10 million, Rp100 million, or Rp200 million, calculate it carefully. Can you pay it off monthly, or can you pay the installment along with the interest? Don't let you already have the certificate but it's not calculated, not calculated, borrowed, or given, and it turns out that after 6 months you can't pay the installment to the bank and eventually lose your certificate. Don't let it happen."

he said.

Jokowi Bolehkan Masyarakat Gadaikan Sertifikat Tanah, Tapi Ada Syaratnya

Jokowi stated that there are 4,000 certificates consisting of 3,200 land certificates from the PTSL program and 800 recipients of land redistribution certificates that have been distributed.

The activity is an effort by the government through the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) to provide legal proof of land rights to landowners for the community.

Jokowi Bolehkan Masyarakat Gadaikan Sertifikat Tanah, Tapi Ada Syaratnya

Jokowi admitted that he would be disappointed if the government's efforts were in vain because the community is not wise in pledging land certificates and determining the loan amount.

Jokowi Bolehkan Masyarakat Gadaikan Sertifikat Tanah, Tapi Ada Syaratnya

"Please use this as collateral, as collateral, but once again everything is calculated. If you sell something, how much income from the sale, how much profit, can it be paid in installments, can it be paid in installments, everything is calculated. I don't want the certificate to have worked hard to prepare this but the certificate from you will be confiscated by the bank, no, I want this certificate to bring prosperity,"

Firm Jokowi.


As for the Ministry of ATR/BPN, it recorded progress in land registration in Indonesia itself, out of a total target of 126 million land plots, so far 110 million land plots have been registered, where 90.1 million of them have been certified. Meanwhile, for East Java, out of an estimated total of 19.9 million land plots, 16.5 million of them have been registered and there are still 3.4 million land plots that have not been registered.

From the land registration process, there is an increase in economic value. Since its implementation in 2017, the increase in economic value from land certification has reached Rp6,066.7 trillion and 96 percent of it is circulated in society through Hak Tanggungan. Specifically for the increase in economic value in East Java in 2022 alone, it reached Rp116.6 trillion and 95 percent of it is circulated in society through Hak Tanggungan.

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