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Pegawai Viral 'Mandi Beras' Bulog Dipecat dan Kepala Cabang Dimutasi

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Viral Employee 'Rice Bath' at Bulog Fired and Branch Manager Transferred"

Dream - The fate of a shirtless man who was caught rolling around on a pile of branded Bulog rice is forced to find a new job. Perum Bulog, a state-owned enterprise responsible for logistics in Indonesia, has decided to impose strict sanctions on employees known to be working in the rice warehouse in Surabaya, East Java.

"Oknum Buruh Dipecat" translates to "Workers Dismissed" in English.

Public Relations and Institutional Manager of Bulog, Tomi Wijaya, revealed that the man in the viral video is a daily contract employee at the Banjar Kemantren 2 warehouse and is no longer employed.

"Regarding the laborers mentioned in the widely circulated video, they are daily contract workers in the warehouse and not Bulog employees, and as of today, those laborers are no longer employed in the warehouse."

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "the word Tomi is quoted from, Thursday, 28 December 2023."


"Head of Warehouse Transferred"

Not only the unlucky employees, but Perum Bulog also decided to give a Warning Letter (SP) and transfer the head of the Banjar Kemantren 2 warehouse, where the workers are employed.

"Then the Head of the Banjar Kemantren 2 Warehouse as the person in charge of activities in the Warehouse has also been given a Work Order and transferred."

kata Tomi.


Tomi said that Bulog management immediately moved quickly to take strict action against parties that were deemed to not pay attention to the quality of the logistics materials it managed. Bulog has been very focused and committed to providing the best service and product quality for the community. Tomi ensures that Bulog has quality standards and quality control to maintain the process and quality of rice.

"Due to this incident, Bulog management will increase supervision in the warehouse to prevent actions that are not in accordance with the established provisions."

Viral Youth 'Rice Bath' Bulog Fired and Branch Manager Transferred

Tomi explained that only a small portion of imported rice bags were torn and leaking after being transported from the ship to the warehouse. To address this situation, employees usually gather the rice and transport it back. "Millions of tons of imported rice have been transported from the ship to Bulog warehouses this year, which means there are tens of millions of bags being transported, and only a few bags are torn and leaking, so they need to be collected and transported back to the RtR processing machine," said Tomi.

Viral Youth 'Rice Bath' Bulog Fired and Branch Manager Transferred

"Previously, the actions of the laborer individuals went viral on social media. Like a 'rice bath', he was bare-chested and leisurely lying on top of a pile of rice. The man also rolled around, causing grains of rice to stick to his body. One of his colleagues was also seen pouring rice on the bare-chested man from a sack, resembling a shower. One of the rice sacks in the video was labeled 'Bulog Rice'."

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