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6 Alasan Harus Melepas Perhiasan Sebelum Tidur

"6 Reasons to Remove Jewelry Before Sleeping"

6 Reasons to Remove Jewelry Before Sleeping

Dream - As a woman, wearing jewelry is one way to enhance appearance. Some women even wear jewelry without taking it off during bathing or sleeping. This is because it can be time-consuming, especially if they have a considerable amount of jewelry.

"However, jewelry must be removed before sleeping. This is not only to maintain sleep quality, but also has other health benefits. Let's find out what the reasons are!"

1. Ring More Difficult to Remove in the Morning

1. Ring More Difficult to Remove in the Morning

When sleeping at night, body fluids will accumulate in a tissue. This is what makes your body appear slightly larger when waking up in the morning. Finally, accessories such as rings will be more difficult to remove when waking up.

6 Reasons to Remove Jewelry Before Sleeping

Friend Dream needs to use liquid soap, oil, or put their hands in ice water to reduce swelling and make it easier to remove the ring after waking up.

2. Disturbing Sleep

2. Disturbing Sleep

If you wear a necklace while sleeping, be careful! Besides being able to wrap around and stab your neck, wearing a necklace can also make your hair tangled due to the body moving frequently during sleep. If you want to wear it while sleeping, choose a simple design and a necklace material that is soft and flexible.

3.	Menyebabkan Iritasi Kulit

3. Causes Skin Irritation

Some materials used to make jewelry such as nickel can cause allergic reactions that result in itchy and red skin. This not only applies to gold, but also to silver.

If you have sensitive or allergy-prone skin, make sure the jewelry you use is made of 14 karat gold or higher. A higher karat indicates a higher purity of gold contained in the jewelry, thus reducing the likelihood of irritating the skin.

4.	Daun Telinga Mengendur

4. Loose Earlobe

When sleeping while wearing earrings, the elasticity of your earlobe will gradually be lost. If left untreated, the earlobe can become loose and emit an unpleasant odor. This can happen because sebum mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria in your ear.

5. Causes Bacterial Accumulation

5. Causes Bacterial Accumulation

Jewelry that is rarely taken off and cleaned properly will become a breeding ground for dirt and bacteria. The skin will become moist when in contact with jewelry, making it easier for bacteria to grow when wearing it without taking it off.

6. Decreasing the Quality of Jewelry

6. Decreasing the Quality of Jewelry

"If you often move while sleeping, try to remove any jewelry worn, as it may accidentally hit or break. Jewelry cavities can also get caught in fabric or hair. Surely this will damage it."

Sleeping while wearing jewelry can also cause stains on your jewelry. Sweat that comes out of the body will stick to the jewelry and remove its shine. So, don't forget to remove your jewelry before sleeping, okay! Report by Marha Adani Putri / Source:

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