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"7 Positions of House Doors that Bring Blessings, so that Your Upcoming Fortune is Not Blocked"

Designing a house is very important to pay attention to the position of each door.

Dream - There are many people who design their own dream homes. Dream friends can express themselves freely about how the house decoration suits your character. One of them is the door of the house. Did you know, Dream friends, that the position of the house door actually affects your luck and fortune? Yes, the position of the house door that brings blessings must be arranged properly. In addition to being pleasant to look at, of course, you also hope that the house always brings good luck.

Well, here are some positions of house doors that bring blessings as summarized by Dream through various sources.

7 Positions of House Doors that Bring Blessings, so that Your Future Fortune is not Blocked

"The Blessed Position of the House Door"

Designing a house door turns out to have its own rules. This also greatly affects your luck. Here are the positions of house doors that bring blessings.

1. The Big Door Becomes the Main Door

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The door that is large in size would be better if used as the main door of the house. This makes it easier for everyone to know that the door is for the entry and exit of guests."


2. Main Door Leads to Living Room

Apart from the large door becoming the main entrance, the proper rule for the main door is to lead to the living room. The goal is to direct guests who come to enter the house directly. This will also make guests feel comfortable visiting our house.

3. Main Door of the House Shows a Spacious Area

Friends of Dream need to know about the position of the door that brings blessings, the main door of the house should show a spacious area.

3. Main Door of the House Shows a Spacious Area

The purpose is so that guests or homeowners themselves can feel comfortable in that room. You can place some furniture in the room and not place items that may not be used.

4. The main door should not face the bathroom.

The main door of a good house should not face the bathroom. This gives an impolite impression when guests visit. It is better to provide a barrier between the living room and other rooms, especially rooms that are considered private.

5. Not Allowed to Face the Stairs

The position of the front door of the house that brings blessings is by not facing the stairs.

5. Tidak Boleh Menghadap Tangga

"Not only should one not face the stairs, but it is also advisable for the main door not to face the kitchen. Because the activities of the homeowner and their family inside the house should not be known by outsiders or guests. This can cause a sense of unease."

6. The room door must not face another door.

When designing your dream house, it is advisable not to create a bedroom door facing another door. It is believed that this can cause conflicts such as arguments and other family problems. In addition, do not make the bedroom door facing the bathroom door as it is believed to make the person sleeping in that room frequently fall ill.

7. The Main Door Does Not Directly Face Objects Outside the House.

Avoid placing objects in front of the main door.

7. Pintu Utama Tidak Langsung Berhadapan dengan Benda di Luar Rumah

This is believed to hinder the arrival of sustenance or luck that will come to you. If you want to place an object, then give a distance of about 4 to 5 meters from the entrance.

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