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Tips for Helping Traffic Accident Victims to Prevent Their Condition from Getting Worse

Tips for Helping Traffic Accident Victims to Prevent Their Condition from Getting Worse

Tips Menolong Korban Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Agar Kondisinya Tak Makin Parah

Dream - When witnessing an accident that claims victims, usually people around will immediately help. In fact, sometimes many people gather around the victims to find out their condition.

After observing the condition, the victim will be taken to the hospital if they need medical assistance.

Tips Menolong Korban Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Agar Kondisinya Tak Makin Parah

Although providing first aid quickly is very important for the safety of victims, Sahabat Dream also needs to pay attention to how to help. Incorrect first aid can worsen the condition of accident victims, even causing death. Here are some tips from the official website of Mitra Keluarga Hospital to provide first aid correctly.

1. Check the Scene of the Incident

1. Check the Scene of the Incident

Before helping or evacuating victims, Sahabat Dream needs to inspect the scene. Make sure the victims are far from dangerous, flammable, or falling objects.

Keep the victims away from anyone who may pose a threat to their lives. Also, identify a safe place to evacuate the victims.

2. Immediately Contact Medical Assistance

2. Immediately Contact Medical Assistance

The best solution to help accident victims is to immediately call an ambulance or seek medical assistance to ensure timely help.

3. Make sure the victim is not crowded.

Although many people want to help the victims, do not form a crowd. The victim may have difficulty breathing or lack of oxygen when surrounded by many people. Just make sure the victim is not alone and remains calm while waiting for medical personnel.

4. Do not move the victim if they are injured.

4. Do not move the victim if they are injured.

Usually, the victim will be immediately lifted into a car or ambulance when they experience an accident. However, it turns out that this should not be done carelessly.

Even so, victims are not advised to move their positions when they experience injuries such as broken bones because their condition could become worse. Sahabat Dream can provide basic first aid if they have the knowledge. If not, minimize the victim's movement with clothing or bandages around the spine or the area that is broken. Remove the helmet carefully if the victim is wearing one.

5. Stop the bleeding

"Stop bleeding from the head or mouth to prevent excessive bleeding. Dream friends can check the condition by kneeling beside the victim. If there is bleeding, press and cover the injured area with a bandage or clean cloth to prevent the victim from losing blood."

Tie the top part of the wound near the heart with a piece of cloth if the blood is still flowing and make sure the victim is in a comfortable position.

6. Overcoming Post-Accident Shock

If the victim's face turns pale, cold, sweaty, or has difficulty breathing and weak pulse, it means that their body has lost more than 20% of blood or body fluids. Loosen the belt and buttons as well as the collar of the clothes to make the victim more comfortable. Lay the victim flat and raise their legs about 30 cm, but do not lift the head.

Make sure the victim's body temperature remains warm to prevent hypothermia. Do not give any fluids, especially if the victim is unconscious to avoid choking. Do not simply pull out any objects that are stuck in the body to prevent infection.

7. Check the Victim's Response, Breathing, and Pulse Periodically

Check the response, breathing, and pulse of the accident victim. Moreover, if there is a potential for the victim to be unconscious or stop breathing. You can perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and secure the victim's belongings while contacting their family, while waiting for medical assistance.

"Contents of P3K Bag"

If you want to provide items to help accident victims, you can prepare a first aid kit containing adhesive bandages, various sizes of adhesive tape, various sizes of rolled bandages, rolled gauze and sterile, safety pins, latex gloves, antiseptic wipes, specialized disinfectant solution for wounds, antibiotic ointment, scissors, tweezers, thermometer, and certain medications.

Some people only bring a towel and a mat to bandage wounds and help victims with broken bones when they don't have bandages, but Sahabat Dream requires special skills when using them. When you see accident victims, please contact emergency services at number 112 or call the nearest hospital from the location of the incident.

Tips Menolong Korban Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Agar Kondisinya Tak Makin Parah
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