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BB Turun Drastis Jangan Girang Dulu, Bisa Sebabkan 3 Masalah Kesehatan

BB (body weight) Decreases Drastically, Don't Be Happy Yet, Can Cause 3 Health Problems.

BB Turun Drastis Jangan Girang Dulu, Bisa Sebabkan 3 Masalah Kesehatan BB (body weight) Decreases Drastically, Don't Be Happy Yet, Can Cause 3 Health Problems.

Drastic Weight Loss Don't Be Happy First, Can Cause 3 Health Problems

Dream - Many people are willing to consume healthy food and exercise regularly to achieve a proportional body.

The implemented lifestyle patterns vary. There are many people who practice extreme diets by consuming only 1-3 types of healthy food, such as sweet potatoes or apples in a day, to accelerate the weight loss process.

Drastic Weight Loss Don't Be Happy First, Can Cause 3 Health Problems

Some people who undergo extreme diets have successfully lost weight. In fact, their weight can decrease faster than the target. Can this weight loss be permanent and beneficial for health?

According to Doctor Dion Haryadi, drastic weight loss can cause several health problems that can disrupt productivity. What are the diseases? Find out from the following review, yes.

1. Increased Risk of Gallstones

The increasing risk of gallstones can be experienced when body weight decreases drastically or when experiencing obesity. Reported by Halodoc, this disease occurs due to the hardening of digestive fluid deposits in the gallbladder. Gallstones can range in size from as small as grains of sand to as large as golf balls.

Be careful when experiencing sudden pain in the upper right side of the abdomen or in the middle of the abdomen, precisely below the rib cage. Likewise, when Sahabat Dream experiences back pain between the shoulder blades, pain in the right shoulder, and nausea or vomiting for several minutes or hours.

2. Malnutrition

2. Malnutrition

When reducing the amount of food consumed, your nutrition can also decrease. Moreover, when Sahabat Dream does not pay attention to the amount of nutrients in food.

That's why when dieting, Dream Friends not only need to pay attention to the amount of calories consumed, but also the nutrients in food to keep the body healthy and nutritional needs fulfilled.

3. Hormonal Imbalance

3. Hormonal Imbalance

The body will adapt when your weight drops drastically. Vital organs such as the brain, heart, and kidneys will be prioritized.

The functions of other body organs, such as reproduction and hair, will decline. As a result, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular, libido decreases, hair falls out, skin becomes dull, and so on.

"Normal Weight Loss"

If you want to lose weight more safely, do it gradually. Normally, weight loss is about 0.5-1% per week. Focus on waist circumference, stamina, mood, and ensure that the decrease can happen permanently, meaning no 'yo-yo' effect.

Drastic Weight Loss Don't Be Happy First, Can Cause 3 Health Problems
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