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The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Key to Preventing Cough, Starting from Boosting Immune System"

"Dream - The current hot weather and high air pollution levels can weaken our immune system and cause various conditions ranging from colds, coughs, to upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). "

Kunci Tak Mudah Batuk, Mulai dari Tingkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh
Kunci Tak Mudah Batuk, Mulai dari Tingkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh

Currently, the hot weather and high air pollution levels in several regions in Indonesia have the potential to disrupt the immune system. This can be seen from the increase in cases of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (ISPA) in the Jabodetabek area (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi) during the period of August 29 to September 6, 2023, which reached a total of 90,546 cases quoted from the written statement of Imboost Cough received by Dream. ISPA is an infection in the upper respiratory tract that occurs acutely. The upper respiratory tract includes the nose, pharynx, larynx, and bronchi. This infection is usually caused by viruses, although it can also be caused by bacteria.

Cough = Normal Response

It is best to remember that coughing is the body's normal response to clean the respiratory tract from foreign particles, germs, and viruses. Coughing can also be a symptom of inflammation or infection in the respiratory tract, where coughing functions to expel excessive mucus.


"Trigger Factors of Cough"

Cough can be triggered by various factors, including bacterial or viral infections, asthma or allergies, air pollution, smoking, medications, and weakened immune system. Weakened immune system can be caused by stress, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, lack of physical activity, and weather changes such as pollution and hot weather.


"When our immune system weakens, our respiratory tract cannot effectively clean foreign particles, bacteria, and viruses can stay longer or get trapped in the respiratory tract. When coughing occurs, our immune system works more actively to fight against these bacteria or viruses, which in turn can trigger inflammation in the respiratory tract."

"stated by Dr. Farhan Zubedi in a written statement received by Dream."


"Tips Overcoming Cough"

Dr. Farhan also provides a number of tips for dealing with coughs properly. First, avoid foods or drinks that trigger coughs such as ice, cold drinks, fried foods, coconut milk, spicy foods, chocolate, chips, and the like.

"Besides that, get enough rest and drink at least 2 liters of water per day (for adults) and 5-6 glasses per day (for children), and consume nutritious food and vitamin supplements (if necessary) to support immune system and cough healing process."

said Dr. Farhan Zubedi


Decreased immune system, also greatly affects the symptoms of cough that arise. It is not enough to relieve cough by taking medicine alone, but it is necessary to maintain maximum immunity. You can look for cough medicine with a complete formula. "The advantage of Imboost Cough is that it can relieve cough, because it has an effective formula in the form of a combination of Ivy Leaves and Thyme Seeds. This medicine helps relieve cough caused by irritation due to exposure to viruses and bacteria, as well as Ginger extract in adult preparations that can provide a warm and soothing sensation in the throat," said Dr. Ir Raphael Aswin, SOHO Global Health Team in the same statement.

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