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Warning! Turns out This Bad Habit Causes Bad Breath
Warning! Turns out This Bad Habit Causes Bad Breath Credit via

Bad breath is a problem that worries many people. Besides being disturbing, it also makes people around uncomfortable when they are close. Often, because of bad breath, someone can feel insecure, even to the point of isolating themselves. Therefore, do not underestimate this bad breath problem.

However, bad breath still needs to be solved so that it does not persist. For those who do not experience it, it does not mean that they can be careless. It turns out that there are several bad habits that can unconsciously trigger bad breath. Here are some bad habits that should be avoided, so that bad breath does not occur.

Not Taking Care of Oral and Dental Health

Taking care of oral and dental health should be the main concern of everyone. However, some people still neglect it. In fact, these bad habits can cause cavities or other gum problems. Often, these gum problems can also cause bleeding gums.

As a result, the mouth becomes smelly, which in health terms is commonly known as halitosis. Basically, bad breath occurs due to the presence of food residue, bacteria, and dirt in the mouth. In addition, food residue that stays in the mouth for too long will also be broken down by bacteria. As a result, bad breath occurs.

Not Immediately Treating Sinusitis

When someone experiences sinusitis, usually thick mucus with a foul smell appears. The mucus flows from the nasal cavity to the throat. In addition, when experiencing sinusitis, a person usually has difficulty smelling properly.

As a result, they have difficulty smelling the surrounding odors. Indeed, thick mucus with a foul smell during sinusitis can also cause bad breath. Unfortunately, sinusitis sufferers cannot realize it, so the people around them are directly disturbed.

Therefore, when a stuffy nose does not improve, immediately consult a doctor. It is feared that sinusitis is being experienced. Because when experiencing it, the sinus walls become inflamed. This disease itself can be caused by influenza viruses.

Sinusitis can also be caused by bacterial, fungal infections, tooth infections, and even intensive smoking habits. In addition, sinusitis is contagious, so when experiencing it, try to wear a mask and maintain distance to prevent close contacts from being infected.

Letting the Mouth Stay Dry for a Long Time

Dry mouth not only causes cracked lips, but it can also cause bad breath. In the health world, dry mouth is commonly known as xerostomia. This problem worsens when a person has a cold, so they breathe more through their mouth than their nose.

Apparently, this process can cause saliva to dry up and trigger bad breath. Unfortunately, this dry mouth problem is rarely noticed, so it suddenly causes bad breath. Therefore, make sure to drink plenty of water regularly to keep the body well-hydrated. Because dehydration can also cause bad breath.

If the body is well-hydrated, the saliva in the mouth will not dry up. Because, functionally, saliva also has an important role, which is to kill excessive bacteria. If the mouth becomes dry, uncontrollable bacterial growth occurs, which ultimately causes bad breath.

Ignoring Digestive System Health Problems

Bad eating habits can disrupt the digestive system. One of them is stomach ulcers or other common stomach acid diseases, such as GERD. Both of these diseases can occur due to poor eating habits, such as irregular eating patterns and frequent consumption of very spicy foods.

When experiencing these problems, there is a feeling of pain in the stomach. In addition to stopping these bad eating habits, also consult a doctor to get proper treatment. Because prolonged problems in the digestive system can also cause bad breath.

This is because when experiencing digestive disorders, stomach acid that comes out of the stomach rises back to the esophagus, and even to the mouth. The cause is that the lower esophageal sphincter is not functioning properly. As a result, bad breath that is very disturbing occurs, especially for people around them.

Consuming Excessive Red Meat and Milk

Red meat and milk are two sources of food with complete nutrients, so it is recommended to consume them regularly. However, consuming them regularly does not mean consuming them excessively. Both meat and milk contain high levels of protein.

When consumed, the body releases ammonia, which breaks down the protein in the digestive tract. If the amount of meat and milk consumed is excessive, automatically there is a lot of protein that needs to be processed in the body. In order to process this, the body is forced to produce more ammonia. As a result, this ammonia comes out of the mouth and eventually causes bad breath.

It doesn't stop there, if a large amount of meat fiber is eaten, it will also get stuck between the teeth. If you are not diligent in cleaning your teeth, the leftover meat will rot and release gas from sulfur compounds, which also causes bad breath.

The same thing happens with milk consumed in large quantities. Not only can it cause bloating, but the amino acids from milk can also be formed into sulfur compounds by bacteria in the mouth. The more amino acids accumulate, the more sulfur compounds are produced. Moreover, milk also contains a lot of protein. Don't be surprised if bad breath is difficult to prevent because of drinking too much milk.

Drinking Too Much Coffee and Eating Tuna

For some people, drinking coffee is part of their daily routine, but this habit not only makes the eyes more open and less sleepy, but also leaves negative effects such as bad breath when consumed excessively.

This is because coffee contains caffeine, which easily causes dry mouth. Going back to the previous dry mouth problem, when this happens, it can trigger bacteria to continue to grow. As a result, bad breath occurs. Therefore, for those who like and often drink coffee, balance it by drinking plenty of water. The goal is to prevent the mouth from becoming dry and triggering bad breath.

Similar to coffee, excessive consumption of tuna can also cause bad breath. Especially canned tuna. Why? Canned tuna undergoes oxidation, which makes it taste more acidic. The acidic taste comes from a compound called trimethylamine. Consuming too much of it can easily cause bad breath.

Eating Garlic and Onions

Of course, it is not eaten directly, but shallots and garlic are often used as basic ingredients in various dishes to enhance their taste. However, excessive consumption of shallots and garlic can also have side effects. One of them is causing unpleasant bad breath.

Behind its abundant health benefits, shallots and garlic contain a relatively high amount of sulfur compounds. As explained earlier, sulfur compounds from food can trigger a sharp odor, and sometimes even after brushing teeth, bad breath still remains. To prevent this from happening, be wise in consuming shallots and garlic.

Love for Spicy Food and Fast Food

Spicy food is still favored by many people, especially young people. However, it is important to note that this type of food can disrupt the digestive system and can trigger acid reflux. As explained earlier, digestive system problems can also cause bad breath, right?

Moreover, spicy food is usually made with many spices, which often contain sulfur compounds. As mentioned earlier, excessive sulfur compounds from food produced in the body can cause bad breath.

Then, what about fast food? Most fast food is fried. Well, the oil produced from fast food is known to increase stomach acid. If there is excessive production of stomach acid, it can reach the esophagus and cause bad breath.

Tips to Get Rid of Bad Breath

If it has already happened or if you are currently experiencing it, don't be discouraged. In addition to consulting a doctor if the problem of bad breath persists, you can also try implementing some simple tips. Here are some effective ways to eliminate bad breath that can be tried at home!

In addition to Brushing Teeth, Rinse with Mouthwash

Although brushing your teeth regularly is done every day, sometimes it is still not effective enough to eliminate bad breath. To make it more effective, don't forget to rinse with mouthwash after brushing your teeth. This product can help gradually eliminate bad breath.

Furthermore, mouthwash products can even work quickly, so they can be applied before going out. In addition, they are also easy to apply. When applied, the liquid will spread throughout the mouth. Simply rinse for 30 seconds, and your breath will instantly feel fresh.

Don't Let Your Mouth Get Dry, Drink Enough Water

Drinking enough water every day not only prevents dehydration but also reduces the risk of dry mouth. When the mouth is dry, bad breath is more likely to occur. By drinking enough water, the body's fluid needs are met, and the moisture in the mouth is better maintained.

Not only that, by getting used to drinking water, the mouth becomes cleaner from food residues that may get stuck between the teeth. So, no matter how busy you are, try to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

Consume Vegetables and Fruits to Combat Bad Breath

In addition to drinking enough water, don't forget to consume certain vegetables and fruits. For example, oranges and lemons are effective in eliminating unpleasant bad breath, as well as having a refreshing taste. This is because oranges and lemons can stimulate saliva production in the mouth, which helps eliminate bad breath caused by dry mouth.

As for vegetables, you can consume parsley. This vegetable contains special substances that can neutralize unpleasant odors in the mouth. It can be mixed with main dishes or made into vegetable juice. The neutralizing substance from parsley can quickly eliminate bad breath.

Eliminate Bad Breath with Mint Candy

Meanwhile, if you are outside and experiencing bad breath, you can bring mint-flavored candy. This food is very useful in dealing with bad breath in urgent situations. This is because mint leaves contain xylitol, which can provide a fresh sensation in the mouth. Interestingly, the fresh taste will also come out with your breath. In addition, there is also a cooling sensation.

As a result, the feeling of self-consciousness that arises due to bad breath problems will turn into confidence after chewing mint candy. However, mint candy is only temporary, so make sure to maintain good oral and dental health. By doing so, bad breath problems will no longer bother you.

In addition to regularly brushing your teeth and using mouthwash, don't forget to visit the dentist every six months. This step is useful in preventing cavities and other oral problems. By maintaining good dental health, the problem of bad breath, which haunts most people, can be avoided.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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