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Last TikTok Video of Yeti Airlines Flight Attendant Goes Viral, 27 Minutes Before the Plane Crashed in Nepal
Last TikTok Video of Yeti Airlines Flight Attendant Goes Viral, 27 Minutes Before the Plane Crashed in Nepal Last TikTok Video of Yeti Airlines Flight Attendant Goes Viral

Dream - No one knows about death because it is indeed Allah's secret. This is also what happened in this sad story of the plane crash.

Recently, a plane owned by Yeti Airlines with the Kathmandu-Pokhara flight route crashed fatally in Nepal.

In the incident that occurred on Sunday, January 15, 2023, all passengers and crew members were reported to have died.

Sudarshan Bartaula, a spokesperson for Yeti Airlines, said the plane crashed near Pokhara City. The plane was carrying 68 passengers and 4 crew members.

The cause of the crash of Yeti Airlines flight 691 is still being investigated by the authorities.

One of the victims of the Yeti Airlines plane crash is a 24-year-old flight attendant named Osin Ale.

Her action of making a video log or vlog moments before the plane took off from Kathmandu went viral on social media.

Viral video of the last TikTok of Yeti Airlines flight attendant before the crash in Nepal.

In the 16-second video, Osin Ale, the flight attendant of Yeti Airlines, can be seen. She recorded a TikTok video accompanied by a song. The woman appeared very cheerful while recording herself.

Viral video of the last TikTok of Yeti Airlines flight attendant before the crash in Nepal.

In the background, empty seats can be seen as there were no passengers on board yet.

However, fate took a tragic turn. Just 27 minutes after takeoff, the plane crashed and everyone on board perished.

Viral video of the last TikTok of Yeti Airlines flight attendant before the crash in Nepal.

The TikTok video of Osin was then reposted by the Twitter account @DeepAhlawt with an additional message that sent chills down the spine.

The message invites us to appreciate life to the fullest because death comes unexpectedly.

"Live life to the fullest as long as you are alive because death is unexpected!" wrote the owner of the Twitter account.

According to reports, Osin is currently studying in India. In addition to being a flight attendant, Osin is known as a famous TikToker in her country.

Osin's sudden and tragic departure has deeply saddened her family.

Especially since before going to work and flying with Yeti Airlines 691, Osin said she would return to celebrate the Maghe Sankranti festival.

But fate had other plans. This beautiful woman had to return home with only her name and her body.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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