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The translation of the given text while preserving any HTML tags is:

The translation of the given text while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Village Office in Mojokerto Resembles Istana Merdeka but in Lite Version."

Dream - Magnificent buildings in a certain area often catch the attention of anyone who sees them. Especially if the building stands alone on the side of the road without any other buildings around. Like what is seen in the video on the Instagram account @dekorasi_rumah_idaman. A rider shows a large building in his village. From a distance, the single-story building is built on the side of the road. Meanwhile, behind it, there is a very large rice field area.

Kantor Desa di Mojokerta Bentuknya Mirip Istana Merdeka Tapi Versi Lite

On the right and left sides, there are no other buildings visible at a close distance. After being recorded closer, the building resembles the shape of the Istana Merdeka, which is the official residence and office of the President of Indonesia in Jakarta.

The front part of the white building has pillars that make it look majestic. The staircase in the front is very similar to the National Palace.

Kantor Desa di Mojokerta Bentuknya Mirip Istana Merdeka Tapi Versi Lite
Kantor Desa di Mojokerta Bentuknya Mirip Istana Merdeka Tapi Versi Lite

In the middle, there is a door and windows on the right and left sides. On top of the building, the emblem of the Indonesian state, Garuda Pancasila, is also installed with the motto "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika".

"Village Office Building"

In the video description, it is mentioned that the building is a village office. However, the exact location of the village office that resembles a state palace is not mentioned.


"Viral on Social Media"

The translated text while preserving the HTML tags is: "The grandeur of the village office, which was reposted from the Instagram account @kabarmojokerto, has gone viral on social media and has been liked by more than 5.6 thousand Instagram users. "The lite version of the State Palace... 👍👍," wrote the caption in the post. Many netizens have given various responses in the comment section."

Kantor Desa di Mojokerta Bentuknya Mirip Istana Merdeka Tapi Versi Lite

Some netizens feel amazed by the good and unique shape of the village offices compared to the usual village offices. However, some others regret the condition of the red and white flag that already looks worn out when installed on the magnificent building.

"Netizen Comment"

"Building is good.. but the flag is not well-maintained.. 😢😢," wrote the account @wista_foxille. "It's cool even though it's small.. 👏❤️😍," wrote the account @lismi_1221. "It's useless to have a nice building, but the Indonesian flag is torn," wrote the account @juliyantomiracle. "Good means it doesn't consume village funds," wrote the account @desrishalatana. "It's funny that the flag is not replaced 😂😂😂," wrote the account @goes_thu1.

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