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Benefits and Laws of Kissing Children in Islam, One of the Noble Traditions of the Prophet

Benefits and Laws of Kissing Children in Islam, One of the Noble Traditions of the Prophet

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Hugging and kissing between parents and their children holds various meanings, such as love, care, affection, and longing."

Dream - The love given by parents to their children comes in various forms. The easiest action to do is to kiss the child on the forehead or cheeks. This habit is usually done by parents when the child is about to go to school, about to go to work, or when the little one is about to go to sleep. A kiss from parents to their child holds a deep meaning. The kiss becomes a form of love, attention, affection, longing, and even some parents slip in hopes and prayers when kissing their child.

"In Islam, there are also special benefits when parents kiss their children. What are these benefits? Let's learn together the benefits of kissing children as summarized by Dream from various sources."

Benefits and Laws of Kissing Children in Islam, One of the Noble Prophet's Sunnah
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Benefits of Kissing Children in Islam"

Kissing and hugging children have great benefits in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad often kissed and hugged his grandchildren, Hasan and Husain, as well as other children.

This indicates that kissing and hugging children are recommended practices in Islam. The benefits include showing affection to the child, providing a sense of security and comfort, and strengthening the emotional bond between parents and children. In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever does not show affection to young children and does not respect their parents is not among my ummah (community)."

From this hadith, we can know that kissing and hugging children is one form of affection towards them. In addition, in the hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) also said: "Indeed, among you the most severe in punishment on the Day of Judgment is the person who makes an orphan fall and throws them into hell because of hurting them." From this hadith, we can understand that kissing and hugging children is a way to provide comfort and protection.

"Thus, we will not be tormented in the afterlife for mistreating children. Therefore, kissing and hugging children in Islam have great benefits, both for the children and for the parents. This tradition not only serves as a sign of affection but also provides security and protection, as well as strengthens the emotional bond between parents and children."

"How is it regulated in Islam?"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The law of embracing and kissing children in Islam is supported by many hadiths that show the importance of love and care for children."

Bagaimana Hukumnya dalam Islam?

Rasulullah saw once kissed his grandson, Al-Hasan bin Ali, in front of a man. When the man was amazed, Rasulullah explained that love and affection for children are part of faith. In addition, in Islam, it is also taught to pray for children when kissing them, so that they may receive goodness and protection from Allah. Scholars agree that kissing and hugging children are forms of recommended love and care.

However, special rules apply in this matter, such as avoiding kissing or hugging a child in an inappropriate manner, such as in forbidden places or by someone who is not their mahram. In addition, in kissing and hugging a child, it must be done sincerely and with love, and it should serve as a form of teaching and good education for children. Therefore, the act of kissing and hugging a child in Islam is recommended as a part of affection and care for the child, but it must be done according to the appropriate rules in accordance with Islamic teachings.

"Story of Prophet Muhammad Kissing His Grandchild and Son"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The story of the Prophet kissing his grandchildren and family as a form of affection is a real example of the love he showed to his family."

"Prophet Muhammad saw often kissed his children and grandchildren as an expression of love in front of his companions. This action shows that the kiss of a parent to their offspring as a form of affection has become a tradition among Prophet Muhammad saw and his companions. Prophet Muhammad saw himself loved his children and grandchildren very much. In some narrations, he was seen kissing his grandchildren, Hasan and Husain, while prostrating during prayer."

This action illustrates the immense love and care of the Prophet Muhammad towards his family. The Prophet's attitude teaches us the importance of showing love and affection to our family, especially to our children and grandchildren. The Prophet Muhammad has set an example that kissing one's children and grandchildren is a noble act and encouraged in Islam. By doing this, the Prophet Muhammad has shown how crucial it is to give love and affection to one's family.

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