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Viral Bungkus Rokok Bergambar Anies-Muhaimin Beredar di Bali, Ini Asal Mulanya

"Viral Cigarette Packaging with Anies-Muhaimin Image Circulating in Bali, This is Its Origin"

Dream - The campaign of the number 1 pair, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar, suddenly caused a stir on social media. This is because there is a green cigarette pack circulating with the image of Anies-Muhaimin. In addition to featuring the image of the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin pair, the pack also features the logo of the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the words 'Indonesia Fair Prosperity for All'. However, without a excise tape.

"Wrap Cigarette Picture Anies-Muhaimin"

Viral Bungkus Rokok Bergambar Anies-Muhaimin Beredar di Bali, Ini Asal Mulanya

"Nevertheless, the National Team of Anies-Muhaimin's victory claims that the cigarette is not their Campaign Prop (APK)."

"Beredar di Bali" translates to "Circulating in Bali" in English.

"In several viral videos, the cigarette package circulated in Bali, specifically in Jembrana Regency. So, how did that happen?"

Beredar di Bali

"Candidate in Bali"

Campaign Manager of the National Team AMIN Bali, Ahmad Baraas mentioned that the appearance of cigarette packaging featuring Anies-Muhaimin is allegedly related to the PKB candidate who will run in Bali, namely Ahmad Halim.

"Wrap Cigarettes Back"

The allegation originates from the back of the cigarette packaging that went viral, depicting Ahmad Halim who will run as a candidate for the Indonesian Parliament in Bali.

Bungkus Rokok Bagian Belakang
Viral Bungkus Rokok Bergambar Anies-Muhaimin Beredar di Bali, Ini Asal Mulanya

"Indeed, it is said that the cigarettes circulate here (Bali), but it is limited to that area (Jembrana) and those are untaxed cigarettes, rolled by the perpetrator themselves. Therefore, we believe that it is not from the winning team,"
The text "kata Ahmad Baraas dilansir dari ANTARA." translates to "words from Ahmad Baraas cited from ANTARA."

photo: special

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Word from the AMIN Campaign Team".

The central campaign team reiterated that they did not send any campaign paraphernalia. "First of all, the AMIN campaign team in the center did not send campaign paraphernalia in the form of photos using cigarettes, then placing the AMIN image. That never happened, we never received it. There is no such APK," he said as quoted from

Viral Bungkus Rokok Bergambar Anies-Muhaimin Beredar di Bali, Ini Asal Mulanya

The viral cigarette packaging featuring Anies-Muhaimin's picture is considered as one of the black campaigns.

"Then secondly, there are many people who conduct black campaigns against potential opponents who are considered capable of winning. We don't know who created it, but it is clear that it is someone who wants to downgrade AMIN's electability."
continue Ahmad Baraas.

photo: special

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