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There are Foods and Drinks that Should be Avoided If Joints Frequently Have Problems.

There are Foods and Drinks that Should be Avoided If Joints Frequently Have Problems.

Foods and Drinks to Avoid If You Have Joint Problems

Dream - For Dream friends who suffer from joint inflammation, it is important to be more selective in choosing the foods and drinks consumed. This is because the symptoms and pain of joint inflammation will worsen if one is not careful in choosing their intake.

Foods and Drinks to Avoid If You Have Joint Problems

Certain foods and drinks such as processed foods or sweet drinks can increase and worsen symptoms.

Inflammation of the joints or arthritis is actually a very common disease suffered by humans. Usually, inflammation itself will worsen due to several factors, including age and an unhealthy lifestyle. Dream friends who are suffering from joint inflammation, let's find out 8 foods and drinks that should be avoided if you often experience joint pain.

1. Sugar

People with joint inflammation are strongly advised to reduce their sugar intake. Avoid sugar directly and foods that contain a lot of sugar such as candy, soda, ice cream, and cake.


2. Foods that Contain a Lot of Gluten

Example of foods that contain a lot of gluten are wheat bread, pasta, cereal, and biscuits. Dream friends are advised to avoid foods that contain gluten to alleviate symptoms of joint inflammation. Several studies have mentioned that a gluten-free vegetarian diet can reduce pain caused by joint inflammation.


3. High Salt Foods

Foods that contain high salt and preservatives such as canned meat, canned soup and pickles, and some types of cheese are at risk of increasing inflammation in the body. Research shows that high sodium intake is one of the factors in autoimmune diseases such as joint inflammation in humans. Therefore, Sahabat Dream who suffers from joint inflammation should reduce consumption of high-salt foods, yes!

4. Processed Food

Not only is processed food bad for joint inflammation, but it also has negative effects on overall health. Examples of processed food include fast food, instant breakfast cereals, and packaged foods sold in supermarkets. These foods contain many additives such as sugar, preservatives, fructose, and food enhancers. All of these mentioned ingredients have the potential to increase inflammation in your joints.

5. All Types of Alcohol

Alcohol may have some benefits for the body, such as warming the body in cold weather. However, individuals with joint inflammation are strongly advised against consuming beverages and foods containing alcohol. Alcohol consumption may also cause other problems in the body, such as uric acid, structural damage to the spine, and liver issues.


6. Drinks Containing Artificial Sweeteners

Beverages that contain a lot of sugar will significantly increase inflammation in the joints. Beverages that contain a lot of artificial sweeteners can also increase acid levels, which increases the risk of gout. Examples of beverages that contain a lot of sugar and artificial sweeteners are soda and other packaged drinks that are widely sold in supermarkets.

7. Milk

Some sufferers of inflammation admit that drinking milk or other dairy products can trigger an inflammatory reaction. Choose low-fat milk to avoid this and other things like the risk of obesity and accumulation of saturated fat in the body. Source: Healthline/ Report by Salma Rihhadatul Aisy

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