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"Know Yourself Through Meditation, Here's the Right Way to Do It!"

Did you know that your true self is buried deep within your soul? In your everyday consciousness, you are not truly yourself, but rather a reflection of the larger society. You are constrained by other people's expectations and your own fears and doubts, preventing you from understanding your true self. To go beyond the notion of self and discover who you truly are, you need to transcend your everyday consciousness and enter a deeper level of awareness. This is attainable when you focus your mind in meditation.

"Because, during meditation, you will withdraw from the outside world, distance yourself from material things such as ignoring the chatter of others who disturb you, unfinished work or tasks, and material desires that burden you. According to the EOC Institute, with brief daily meditation, you will be able to synchronize brain waves, achieve a sense of self-understanding and higher self-awareness. For dedicated meditators, this experience becomes very powerful, as it can transform your daily nature for the better."

Then, how to do good and right meditation? Dream friends can directly read the following complete review!

" " in Bahasa is also " " in English. It is a non-breaking space character used in HTML to create a space between words or elements that cannot be broken by word wrap.


"Getting to Know Yourself Better Through Meditation"

Meditation is a mindfulness practice, which does not have a single universal definition.

Lebih Mengenal Diri Sendiri Melalui Meditasi

However, along with the increasing interest in mindfulness and meditation, according to the Frontier Singapore 2021 study, this is concluded as a practice of the mind and body that focuses on the interaction between the brain, mind, body, and behavior, which contains four key elements, namely a quiet area with minimal distractions, a comfortable posture, focused attention, and an open attitude. When you meditate to understand yourself, it is best to turn off electronic devices such as smartphones, TVs, radios, and laptops. Silence is the best way to meditate. However, if you have difficulty achieving focus with silence, you can play gentle and soothing music.

With the advancement of technology, you can play soothing music to support meditation from a wristwatch. This is because the watch will also block notifications during meditation, so you can truly focus. Evaluate what is important to you. Education, family, work ethic for example. Ask yourself why you value these things and give them a ranking. For example, according to you, higher education is more important than family, because with education, you can provide a better life for your family and improve your family's status.

After that, analyze your motives. Every action, from the smallest to the largest, has a motive behind it, whether it's simple or complex. Understanding why you do the things you do helps you reconsider the things you do and not waste your valuable time on things that are not important to you. Then recognize the progress you have made. Often, if the goal you want to achieve takes longer, you may feel like a failure and lose motivation. Instead of focusing on failure, you can focus on what you have achieved so far.

It could be that what you consider small achievements are actually significant progress for you. Look at your history, filter your memories, find all the things you have done and can be proud of, so that you can always remember those moments.

" " in Bahasa is also " " in English. It is a non-breaking space character in HTML.


"Good Meditation Companion for Everyone"

The advancement of technology makes it easier for you to meditate anytime, anywhere.

Pendamping Meditasi yang Baik untuk Semua Orang

With the help of a smartwatch, you can even choose the meditation mode you want to do. There are three meditation modes available, namely Recovery and Static Relaxation, Concentration Mantra with audio guidance, and Awareness Meditation. This combination will bring up clear image and sound guidance, depending on your needs. You can also easily choose different themes. To create a more relaxed atmosphere during meditation, you can also activate white noise or soothing sounds, such as rain or ocean waves, directly from the smartwatch thanks to the built-in microphone and speaker.

Because of the built-in speaker and microphone, this smartwatch can also receive incoming calls and make outgoing calls. The watch screen will display a dial menu, where users can input phone numbers. Users can also input 50 contact numbers through the Garmin Connect app from contacts saved on their smartphone. Don't worry about meditation sessions being interrupted by notifications from the smartphone, as the watch will block notifications during the session. After the meditation is completed, users will receive a session summary containing information about the duration, number of breaths taken, heart rate, and stress level.

In addition to being suitable as a partner for meditation, this smartwatch is also equipped with other advanced features such as comprehensive analysis of night and daytime sleep, jet lag adviser, 30+ sports modes, exercise benefits and recovery time, as well as a battery life of up to 14 days. All of these are wrapped in a stylish design and trendy color choices.

Know Yourself Through Meditation, Here's the Right Way to Do It!

" " in Bahasa is also " " in English. It is a non-breaking space character used in HTML to create space between elements without causing line breaks.

Well, with various complete features in one smartwatch, Garmin Venu 3 can be a perfect companion to accompany you. Especially in maintaining a balanced and harmonious lifestyle between mind and body, especially during meditation. So, are you ready to start practicing proper meditation to achieve mindfulness, Dream Friend?

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