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Gula vs Garam: Mana yang Memiliki Dampak Kesehatan?

"Sugar vs Salt: Which has Health Impacts?"

Sugar vs Salt: Which is More Dangerous for Health?

Dream - Sugar and salt are always used as the simplest flavor enhancers in various dishes and beverages. Not only do they add flavor, but they also have benefits for the body.

Sugar is needed by the brain as an energy source. Meanwhile, salt is needed by muscles to be able to contract. However, according to Assistant Professor in New York, Niket Sonpal, excessive consumption of sugar and salt can cause health problems.

Sugar vs Salt: Which is More Dangerous for Health?

"Although both are equally dangerous, sugar is often considered to be a more harmful ingredient for health compared to salt, is that true? Let's find out the answer in the following explanation."

Sugar vs Salt: Which is More Dangerous for Health?
The translation of the word

The translation of the word "Gula" from Bahasa to English is "Sugar".

Natural sugar in food generally contains nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, and polyphenols. On the other hand, added sugar in carbonated drinks, sweet tea, and instant snacks tends to add calories without nutrients.

Consume excessive additional sugar such as white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, or excessive brown sugar can cause various health problems, such as obesity and nutritional deficiencies. Untreated obesity can also lead to various other chronic diseases, so Sahabat Dream needs to increase the consumption of high-nutrient and low-sugar foods to stay healthy.

"Causes Fat Accumulation"

Consuming additional sugar, such as white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, or excessive brown sugar, can cause obesity, nutrient deficiencies, and fat accumulation. This usually happens if Sahabat Dream does not engage in much activity after consuming high sugar or carbohydrate foods. Bodies with low muscle mass are also more prone to weight gain and fat accumulation due to consuming high sugar or carbohydrate foods.

Sugar vs Salt: Which is More Dangerous for Health?

Friend, Dream needs to control blood sugar and regularly check the levels to ensure good health condition. Otherwise, you may potentially experience diabetes, which can lead to serious health problems such as glaucoma, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke.

Sugar vs Salt: Which is More Dangerous for Health?

You can increase your activities and exercise regularly if you want to have more freedom in consuming high sugar, carbohydrate, and fat foods, so that the potential health problems you will experience are smaller.


The translation of the word "Garam" from Bahasa to English is "Salt".

Same as sugar, consuming salt in moderate amounts will have a positive impact on body cells. The ideal daily salt level is less than 2,300 milligrams or one teaspoon.

"Excessive Salt Consumption"

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, people consume an average of 3,400 milligrams of sodium per day, exceeding the maximum level. This is claimed to cause dehydration, buildup of pressure in blood vessels, and hypertension. If this habit is not stopped immediately, you may experience heart attacks, strokes, as well as kidney problems and vision disorders.

Although so, some experts consider that the negative impacts can only be felt by someone who consumes excessive salt. Chronic diseases will not be experienced due to moderate consumption of salt, especially in individuals under 50 years old.

"Salt may not necessarily be the cause of cardiovascular disease."

The correlation between salt consumption and cardiovascular disease is still uncertain. The disease is potentially experienced when consuming a lot of processed and fast food. Both of them are indeed high in salt, but they also contain more fat and calories which can also trigger weight gain.

Conclusion Sugar vs Salt, Which is More Dangerous?

If comparing sugar and salt, both are not harmful when consumed in moderate amounts. However, excessive sugar consumption has more negative impacts. In fact, sugar can increase the negative effects of salt consumption. So, consume high-nutrient carbohydrate sources such as grains and fruits to reduce daily sugar levels. Report by Amanda Syavira/ Source: Women's Health Mag

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