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Ini Tanda dan Gejala Tumor Otak, Kenali dari Sekarang!

This is the Sign and Symptoms of Brain Tumor, Recognize it from Now!

"Let's take a look!"

Tumor is the result of abnormal cell growth due to disruptions in the genes that regulate cell growth. Brain tumors, on the other hand, are tumors that grow and develop within the brain tissue. Brain tumors can be malignant, meaning cancerous, or non-malignant, which is more benign. What sets brain tumors apart from other types of tumors is their limited growth space due to the skull restricting them, causing pressure on the brain and the emergence of symptoms.

Sakit Kepala


The most common sign experienced by individuals with brain tumors is a headache. This headache occurs due to the pressure exerted by the tumor on the sensitive blood vessels inside the brain. The characteristics of this headache that are symptoms of a brain tumor are different from other types of headaches. People who have brain tumors often experience continuous and different headaches from usual migraine symptoms. The intensity of this pain can also increase when they wake up in the morning. In addition, nausea and vomiting often accompany this pain.


Seizures are also one of the common symptoms experienced by brain tumor patients. This symptom occurs due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. In other words, tumors can cause seizures by inhibiting or exerting pressure on the communication pathways in the brain. Seizures caused by brain tumors can be divided into two types, namely general seizures and focal seizures. General seizures affect the entire body, while focal seizures tend to be more localized or subtle.

"Movement Problem"

Some forms of brain tumors can affect the brain area, which ultimately impacts body movement disorders. Brain tumor patients often experience changes in movement, such as lack of coordination and balance problems. In addition, brain tumors can also cause weakness, muscle paralysis, and loss of physical sensation in sufferers.

Hilang Ingatan

"Lost Memory"

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People who suffer from brain tumors are at risk of experiencing cognitive changes as well as problems with their memory. Brain tumors that interfere with normal brain function can cause difficulties in the learning process and storing new information. The memory loss experienced by brain tumor patients is often only temporary or short-term.

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