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It's time to Check the Mattress! Know the Signs When It Should Be Replaced

Time to Check Your Mattress! Know the Signs When It Needs to be Replaced

Dream - Sleeping on a comfortable bed is everyone's dream after a tiring day. The soft sensation of clean bed sheets, the warmth of a blanket that protects, and the coolness of the air that envelops the body provide tranquility and comfort.

It is important for Dream friends to realize that mattresses also have a time limit for usage. According to experts, mattresses generally have a lifespan of around 8 years. However, this number can vary depending on the material and quality of the mattress product owned. Here are some signs that indicate the need to replace the mattress.

The translation of the text

The translation of the text "Bentuknya Berubah" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags would be: "The shape changes."

As time goes by, the mattress will undergo changes in shape. If the quality of the mattress starts to decline, it can create discomfort and difficulty sleeping.

Apart from feeling tired, poor quality sleep can also cause health problems. A bad mattress can also lead to muscle stiffness and body pain.

Time to Check Your Mattress! Know the Signs When It Needs to be Replaced
Terdapat Tungau

There are mites

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The mattress has the highest concentration of dust mites among all household items. These mites can reproduce quickly over time."

Time to Check Your Mattress! Know the Signs When It Needs to be Replaced

The presence of fungi and insects hidden in the mattress foam can also trigger allergic reactions or worsen asthma symptoms. If Sahabat Dream experiences increasingly severe allergic reactions, it could be a sign that your mattress needs to be replaced.

There is a sound on the mattress.

There is a sound on the mattress.

If rolling on the mattress produces a creaking and squeaking sound, it indicates that the mattress is not in good condition. The sound indicates that the springs have lost their strength and are no longer efficient in responding to pressure and movement.

Tips Agar Kasur Tetap Awet

"Tips to Keep Your Mattress Durable"

Replace the foam position every 3-6 months to ensure even wear on both sides. Follow the mattress cleaning guidelines. Open the bedroom window regularly to improve air circulation and make sure to sun-dry the mattress periodically.

Time to Check Your Mattress! Know the Signs When It Needs to be Replaced

Avoid children and pets jumping on the bed to prevent damage to the springs. Using a vacuum on the mattress can also help reduce allergens and dust mites as needed. Source: Brightside

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