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Foto Baliho Nyeleneh 'Caleg Pasrah', Tampil Ala Kadarnya

Foto Baliho Nyeleneh 'Caleg Pasrah', Tampil Ala Kadarnya Quirky Billboard Photo of 'Resigned Candidate', Appears Modest

Dream - Billboards and banners of legislative candidates are scattered before the general election, which occurs every five years. Through these billboards, the candidates introduce themselves to the public in order to be chosen in the election. It's not just a photo, these campaign tools are also equipped with sweet promises, which may or may not be fulfilled after being elected as representatives of the people. Because they serve as campaign media, the billboards and banners are printed attractively with various sizes.

Foto Baliho Nyeleneh 'Caleg Pasrah', Tampil Ala Kadarnya

Apart from the candidate's name, number, and vision mission, the billboard will also prominently display the face of the candidate who will participate in the election. Usually, they will showcase their best photo to attract attention and be easily recognized by the public.

"Baliho Caleg Nyeleneh" translates to "Quirky Campaign Billboard" in English.

However, currently some candidates instead choose to display bizarre designs on their billboards. The photos are also made improper, unlike the usual candidate billboards.

Foto Baliho Nyeleneh 'Caleg Pasrah', Tampil Ala Kadarnya

Like a campaign poster of a legislative candidate found by a netizen in a video on the TikTok account @siska.pandin. Usually, a candidate would put up a photo on a campaign poster wearing neat clothes, but not this particular candidate.

"Photo Wearing Casual Clothes"

"Among a row of billboards, there is one billboard of a legislative candidate with a typical pose of middle-aged men and a casual style. The candidate is wearing a black t-shirt and checkered sarong as bottoms."


"Pose as it is"

Not only that, in the photo of the billboard, the candidate also appears to be wearing flip-flops. While other candidates are photographed half-body wearing suits or party uniforms, this unique candidate appears confident with his eccentric pose.

Foto Baliho Nyeleneh 'Caleg Pasrah', Tampil Ala Kadarnya

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The portrait of the candidate successfully caught the attention of road users and netizens who watched the video. As a result, the video went viral on social media and has been viewed more than 5.2 million times."

"Comments from Netizens"

"Basically, winning Alhamdulillah and losing is okay 🤭," wrote the account @pinjem seratus. "Candidates who like to drink coffee for sure 🤭," wrote the account @filmboruto2. "These candidates are resigned, if they win Alhamdulillah and if they lose, oh well 😣," wrote the account @qimm88. "In Aceh, there are also those who take their photos upside down. The captions are all turned upside down for the people 😭😭," wrote @aneukmetuah512. "The definition of being yourself is more comfortable 😤," wrote the account @unkwown in the comment section.

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