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Prayer for Drinking Zamzam Water in Latin, Arabic, and its Meaning, along with a Brief Story of its Origin.

Prayer for Drinking Zamzam Water in Latin, Arabic, and its Meaning, along with a Brief Story of its Origin.

Latin, Arabic and Meaning of Zamzam Water Drinking Prayer, and a Brief Story of Its Emergence

Dream - Air Zamzam originates from a well in the area of Masjidil Haram, Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Air Zamzam holds high spiritual value for Muslims as it is a tangible evidence of the life journey of Siti Hajar when she lived in Mecca.

In the belief of Muslims, the Zamzam well is the result of the miracle of Prophet Ibrahim and his son, Prophet Ismail. When Siti Hajar and her son were left in the desert of Makkah, they lacked water. Siti Hajar tried to find water, and Allah SWT sent the Angel Jibril to create a water source from underground, which is now known as the Zamzam well.

Air Zamzam is also closely associated with the pilgrimage and umrah. When in Masjidil Haram, Muslims drink Zamzam water and bring it home as a souvenir. This holy water is believed to have different properties that are considered beneficial for healing. People who drink it will also have their wishes granted if they begin by reciting the prayer for drinking Zamzam water first.

"Better Water Quality than Usual"

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Zamzam water is also believed to have better health qualities than regular water because it contains natural minerals and essential elements that are beneficial for the human body. In order for the benefits of Zamzam water to truly work well, it is recommended that we recite a prayer when drinking Zamzam water. If you happen to have this water, here are the prayers to recite when drinking Zamzam water in Latin, Arabic, and their meanings."

Short Story of the Well of Zamzam

The term zamzam comes from the Arabic language which means abundant. This word is taken from the statement of the angel Gabriel when the water of Zamzam gushed abundantly. The emergence of Zamzam water is accompanied by the story of the Prophet Ibrahim and his wife, Hajar, as well as their infant son, Ismail. They were on a journey while their food and drink supplies ran out.

Then Prophet Ibrahim went to look for food. Meanwhile, Siti Hajar watched over her baby who kept crying continuously due to thirst. Unable to bear seeing her beloved child cry, Siti Hajar tried to find water by running from Mount Safa to Mount Marwa.

Latin, Arabic and Meaning of Zamzam Water Drinking Prayer, and a Brief Story of Its Emergence

"Hentakan Kaki Bayi Ismail" translates to "Baby Ismail's Foot Movements" in English.

After running back and forth between the two hills seven times, there was a command from Allah SWT to stomp the little feet of baby Ismail. With the permission of Allah, the little feet of Prophet Ismail stomped on the ground and a refreshing spring emerged. Until now, that spring is called Zam-zam water that always flows and never dries up.

"Benefits of Zamzam Water"

There are many benefits and special qualities of Zamzam water. It has been explained in the Quran and hadith. One of the special qualities of Zamzam water is that it is the greatest gift that Allah has bestowed upon Prophet Ismail and his mother, in response to the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him.


Some people believe that Zamzam water is beneficial according to the intention of the person who drinks it. There is a hadith that supports this belief. From the companion Jabir bin Abdillah (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The water of Zamzam is according to what the drinker intends." (Narrated by Ahmad 14849, Ibn Majah 3178, and authenticated by Syuaib al-Arnauth)

The above hadith is also supported by other hadiths. Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, when drinking Zamzam water, he prayed, "O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, abundant provision, and a cure for every illness." (HR. Abdurrazaq 9112). Then Allah SWT answered his prayer.

Latin, Arabic and Meaning of Zamzam Water Drinking Prayer, and a Brief Story of Its Emergence

"Story of the Scholars"

In addition, there is another story about Ibn Mubarok's prayer when drinking zam-zam water. Ibn Mubarok was an expert hadith scholar during the time of the Tabi'it Tabi'in. When drinking zamzam water, he said, "O Allah, indeed the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, 'Zam-zam water has benefits according to the intention when drinking. Therefore, O Allah, I drink this so that I will not be thirsty on the Day of Judgment.'" (Mu'jam Ibnul Muqri')

The author of the book Mustadrak, Imam Hakim An-Naisaburi, said that when he drinks Zamzam water, he prays to Allah SWT to be given the ability to produce good and beneficial written works. Allah granted this wish by giving many monumental works to al-Hakim, including the book al-Mustadrak 'ala Shahihain. There are still many stories that prove the benefits of Zamzam water depending on the intention of the person drinking it. However, of course, everything is the will of Allah SWT and the good intentions and piety of those who drink it.

"Prayer for Drinking Zamzam Water"

In order to obtain the desired benefits, Sahabat Dream needs to read the prayer when drinking Zamzam water. This prayer should be read before drinking the water believed to be holy. Here is the reading of the prayer for drinking Zamzam water in Latin, Arabic, and its meaning that needs to be known:


"Allahumma innahu qad balaghani 'an nabiyyika annahu qala, 'ma'u zamzama li ma syuriba lahu,' wa ana asyrabuhu li sa'adatid dunya wal akhirah. Allahumma faf'al. Wahai Tuhanku, sungguh telah sampai padaku hadits dari nabi-Mu, ia bersabda, 'Air zamzam bermanfaat sesuai tujuan diminumnya,' (HR Ahmad, Al-Hakim, dan Ad-Daruqutni) dan aku meminumnya untuk kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat. Ya Allah, terimalah," (Syekh Sulaiman Al-Bujairimi dalam Hasyiyatul Bujairimi alal Iqna')."

"Prayer for Drinking Zamzam Water from Other Hadiths"

The following is a prayer for drinking Zamzam water from the companion Ibn Abbas ra, narrated by Imam Ad-Daruqutni: "Allahumma inni as'aluka 'ilman nafi'an, wa rizqan wasi'an, wa syifa'an min kulli da'in." Translation: "O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, abundant provision, and healing from all diseases."

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