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"Not Only Pork, Here are 10 Foods Forbidden by Allah SWT in the Al-Quran"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The prohibition of consuming that food has its own wisdom and benefits for Muslims."

Not Only Pork, Here are 10 Foods Prohibited by Allah SWT in the Al-Quran

Dream - Islam has regulated everything very well for its followers. And all matters that have been decreed by Allah SWT are not in vain. This includes prohibiting the consumption of non-halal food.

Not Only Pork, Here are 10 Foods Prohibited by Allah SWT in the Al-Quran

The prohibition certainly has its own reasons and is definitely beneficial for human life. By avoiding food that is forbidden by Allah SWT, Muslims will also be kept away from dangers that may occur. That is why the Prophet Muhammad once said, "Goodness does not bring anything except goodness." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) It will be even more dangerous if the forbidden food consumed is also given to our descendants. The impact will be very bad. So, what kind of food is forbidden in Islam? Here is an explanation as summarized by Dream from various sources.

Makanan yang Diharamkan dalam Islam

"Food Prohibited in Islam"

"In the Al-Quran, it has been explained about the types of food that are prohibited. Therefore, as Muslims, it is obligatory to avoid them. The following are the foods that are prohibited by Allah SWT:"


1. Corpse

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Bangkai is an animal that has died without undergoing slaughter. Animals that have become carcasses contain dangerous germs. Therefore, it is very dangerous for bodily health."


2. Blood

The following is the translation of the text from Bahasa to English while preserving the HTML tags: "The forbidden blood is the blood that flows and comes out from the body of an animal due to slaughter and so on. This is because blood contains germs and impurities that are difficult to digest."

3. Pork Meat

Every Muslim knows that pork is forbidden. This is because the intake obtained from pigs is considered impure. Even in the field of medicine, it is known that pork contains substances that are difficult to break down by the body.

3. Daging Babi

4. Choked to Death Animal

In this case, a dead animal that is choked has several opinions. For example, it may die because it is tied up. So, the animal dies in a helpless condition. The wisdom of forbidding it is the same as the wisdom of forbidding the consumption of carrion.


5. Dead Animals are Beaten

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Animals that die from being struck, whether by a hard or heavy object, are forbidden to be consumed. It is prohibited because there is an opinion that their blood does not come out, thus spoiling their meat. In fact, Islam strongly prohibits any form of animal cruelty."

6. Disembelih Tanpa Menyebut Nama Allah

6. Slaughtered Without Mentioning the Name of Allah

In Islam, animals that are slaughtered must be done so by mentioning the name of Allah SWT. Meanwhile, those that do not mention the name of Allah, then it is considered forbidden. The wisdom behind the prohibition of this is because it associates partners with Allah SWT.


7. Dead Animals from Falling

Animals that die from falling, such as falling from a height, are considered forbidden to consume. The wisdom behind the prohibition is the same as the prohibition of consuming carrion.


8. Dead Animals are Butted by Other Animals

Animals that die because they are gored by other animals are considered forbidden to consume. However, if they are still fit for consumption, then they are allowed to be consumed or considered halal.

9. Animals Slaughtered for Idols

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Animals that are slaughtered to be offered to idols are forbidden to be consumed. This is similar to what was done by the people of Jahiliyah Arab, who at that time slaughtered animals up to 360 near idols. This act is equal to associating partners with Allah SWT."

9. Hewan Disembelih untuk Berhala

10. Animals Attacked by Wild Animals

Animals that are attacked by wild animals are forbidden to be consumed. However, if there is still time to be slaughtered, then it becomes permissible.

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