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Fakta Unik Pizza yang Jarang Diketahui, Nomor 1 Bikin Gak Nyangka

"Unique Pizza Facts that are Rarely Known, Number 1 Will Surprise You"

Unique Pizza Facts that are Rarely Known, Number 1 Will Surprise You

Dream - Most people are certainly familiar with pizza. This typical Italian food is often a favorite in various cafes. Currently, it can be easily found in restaurants that specialize in selling pizza with various topping options.

Unique Pizza Facts that are Rarely Known, Number 1 Will Surprise You

"Behind this delicious food, there are actually several interesting facts that are rarely known. What are they? Let's check the facts."

Unique Pizza Facts that are Rarely Known, Number 1 Will Surprise You

1. Food for the less fortunate.

Masa sih pizza makanan untuk orang tak mampu? Dahulu pizza memang menjadi makanan sehari-hari untuk pekerja dan buruh di Italia, khususnya di kota Napoli. Pada abad ke 18 dan ke 19, pizza sering dijual di warung pinggir jalan atau tukang roti sebagai opsi makanan yang hemat dan langsung disantap. Pada zaman itu, variasi pizza belum seberagam sekarang dan yang paling umum saat itu hanya pizza marinara dengan topping saus tomat, bawang, dan oregano. Translation: "Is it true that pizza is a food for the less fortunate? In the past, pizza was indeed a daily food for workers and laborers in Italy, especially in the city of Naples. In the 18th and 19th centuries, pizza was often sold in roadside stalls or bakeries as a cheap and convenient food option. During that time, pizza variations were not as diverse as they are now, and the most common type was just marinara pizza with tomato sauce, onions, and oregano."

2. Pizza termahal

2. Most expensive pizza

"In Salerno, Italy, there is a pizza called Luis XIII which has a very extravagant price, reaching US$12,000 or around Rp171 million."

The content is very tempting, including three types of caviar, lobster from Norway, Bufala mozzarella cheese, and pink salt from Australia that directly comes from the Murray River. How about it, Dream friends? Very expensive, right?

3. Hari pizza sedunia

3. World Pizza Day

9 February is indeed a special day for pizza, you know! So, it is a tradition to commemorate the journey of pizza until now. Starting from the year 2000, pizza fans and pizzerias have often celebrated this event.

4. Not originated from Italy

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Pizza that we know from Italy actually has a much older history, you know. Initially, in ancient Greece and Egypt, people already made flatbread with olive toppings and spices. However, modern pizza that uses tomatoes as the main ingredient only emerged in Italy, particularly in Naples in the 18th century."

Unique Pizza Facts that are Rarely Known, Number 1 Will Surprise You

At that time, tomatoes became the main ingredient that gives pizza its distinctive taste and color. Napoli is mentioned as the birthplace of pizza because the famous Margherita pizza originated from there. Since then, pizza has become one of the most iconic and beloved foods worldwide.

Tempat Santai Menikmati Pizza

Relaxing Place to Enjoy Pizza

"For those of you pizza lovers who want to experience a fun moment while eating pizza, you should try Pizza e Birra. Here, they provide pizza by the slice that you can eat in the restaurant or take home. So, you can enjoy various delicious types of pizza according to your taste."

Unique Pizza Facts that are Rarely Known, Number 1 Will Surprise You

Here you can also find a giant pizza with a fairly large size, around 44 CM. It is perfect for sharing with friends or family. The atmosphere here is also very homey, with decorations filled with pizza elements and favorite drinks that dominate the place's atmosphere.

Well, besides eating pizza, you can also watch movies here while snacking on delicious pizza. It's definitely fun to enhance the enjoyment of moments with loved ones.

Unique Pizza Facts that are Rarely Known, Number 1 Will Surprise You

"Not only about delicious dishes, but also about creating a comfortable space for all customers to enjoy their special moments with special meals. During the day, Pizza E Birra is a place for family dining, while at night it becomes a place to gather and enjoy exciting sports matches," said Ananda Soebandono, Marketing Manager of Pizza E Birra, in Jakarta, on Monday, October 6, 2023. Report by Amanda Syavira.

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