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"Reduce Sodium Levels in the Body with These 5 Foods"

Redakan Kadar Sodium dalam Tubuh dengan 5 Makanan Ini

Dream – Sodium is an essential mineral for the body's functions. This chemical substance plays a role in maintaining heart rhythm, fluid balance in the body, and so on.

Redakan Kadar Sodium dalam Tubuh dengan 5 Makanan Ini

Sodium can be found in various dishes that have a salty or savory taste, such as french fries, crackers, and many more. Although beneficial for the body's health, its consumption still needs to be limited as it can have negative effects if consumed excessively.

Redakan Kadar Sodium dalam Tubuh dengan 5 Makanan Ini

The maximum amount of sodium that can be consumed per day is around 2,300 milligrams. Sahabat Dream may experience high blood pressure and hypertension if frequently consuming foods with sodium levels higher than that amount.

In addition to minimizing its consumption, Sahabat Dream can also take several efforts to neutralize excessive sodium levels. Drinking more water and engaging in physical activity can help control sodium levels, and certain types of food can also play a role in this process. Here are some types of food that Sahabat Dream can try to balance sodium levels in the body.

1. Banana

1. Banana

Bananas are medium-sized and contain about 9 percent or 422 milligrams of potassium, which can help maintain blood pressure after consuming high sodium and reduce the risk of stroke. In addition, bananas are also a high source of fiber that can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. Yogurt

2. Yogurt

Yogurt is rich in potassium and beneficial probiotics for the digestive system. A cup of yogurt contains almost 5 percent or around 216 milligrams of potassium. Dream friends can consume plain yogurt and add fruits to reduce the intake of additional sugar.

3. Teh Herbal

3. Herbal Tea

Even though its potassium content is not very high, ginger or mint tea can provide various benefits for the body.

Mint can increase bile production by the liver and help digest fatty foods. Meanwhile, ginger improves digestion, reduces swelling, and relieves bloating.

4. Kiwi

4. Kiwi

One kiwi contains about 148 milligrams of potassium, which makes up about 3 percent of the recommended daily amount. Kiwi also contains enzymes that facilitate protein absorption, promote digestion, and help relieve bloating.

5. Alpukat

5. Avocado

Half an avocado contains about 10 percent or about 488 milligrams of potassium and fiber which is good for heart health and reduces the negative effects of consuming high-sodium foods. Report by Amanda Syavira/ Source: Eating Well

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