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"Do Not Eliminate the Habit of Writing a Daily Journal, Its Effects Are Surprisingly Shocking."

Jangan Hilangkan Kebiasaan Menulis Jurnal Harian, Efeknya Ternyata Mengejutkan

Dream - There are many ways that can be done to maintain health. Starting from maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough rest, to regularly exercising become activities that are effective in improving the body's immune system.

However, maintaining health is not only about physical well-being, Dream Friend. We also need to pay attention to psychological or mental health, which also affects physical condition.

Jangan Hilangkan Kebiasaan Menulis Jurnal Harian, Efeknya Ternyata Mengejutkan
Jangan Hilangkan Kebiasaan Menulis Jurnal Harian, Efeknya Ternyata Mengejutkan

"Then, what are the ways that can be done to maintain mental health? There are certainly many ways, one of which is keeping a daily journal. So, what are the benefits of writing a daily journal? Let's find out more."

<b>1.	Membantu Mengurangi Stres</b>

1. Help Reduce Stress

Did you know, Dream friends, that writing about things you are grateful for, your daily life, or the goals you want to achieve can reduce stress? So, let's start trying to write a daily journal!

<b>2.	Meningkatkan Kesehatan Mental</b>

2. Improve Mental Health

If you have free time, try writing a daily journal. When pouring your thoughts and feelings into writing, there are many health benefits you can gain. Writing can improve your mood and even create a positive atmosphere around you.

3. Safe Place to Pour Out Emotions

3. Safe Place to Pour Out Emotions

When in a bad mood, this can make you express your emotions excessively and harm others.

Then, unconsciously, this affects the way you act, which sometimes becomes uncontrollable because it is dominated by negative emotions. Keeping a journal is one activity that you can do to release your emotions, of course in a safe and controlled manner. By doing so, the emotions you feel will not be expressed in the wrong way.

<b>4.	Bantu Mengenal Diri Lebih Jauh</b>

4. Help to Know Yourself Better

By writing the contents of your thoughts and feelings, which surely differ every day, directly, this can help you get to know yourself better. When writing, you can better understand what you like, fear, and much more.

If you become more regular in writing a journal, you will even know the changes that occur within yourself over time. Interesting, isn't it? So, is there a way to make it a habit to write a daily journal? First, set a time or timer to gradually help you get used to writing for longer periods of time in the following days. The more regularly you do it, the more accustomed you will become to writing.

<b>Pilih Media Menulis yang Sederhana</b>

Choose Simple Writing Media

Every person has different writing methods. Therefore, you can adjust the writing method that is most comfortable for you. For example, using a blank document on a laptop, notes application on a mobile phone, or writing on paper.

"Pour out all thoughts and feelings"

Write down all the thoughts and feelings that arise within you. You don't need to hesitate to do this, because the journal can only be read by you alone.

Do Not Read Again the Writing that Worsens Mood

Do Not Read Again the Writing that Worsens Mood

When you are going through tough, bad, and lowest points and want to pour it out in a journal, try not to pour out in detail what you experience. Just write the situation in general.

Why is this necessary to do? Because when at some point you have forgotten it, you might remember the problem in that situation. Indirectly, this can reduce your desire to write, you know! Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source: Healthline

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