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"Recipe for Chef Martin Praja's Fried Squid with Flour Coating"

Fried Calamari Recipe Ala Chef Ganteng Martin Praja

Dream - Squid is known as one of the savory seafood dishes with a tender texture. This food is often a favorite in various cuisines around the world.

Fried Calamari Recipe Ala Chef Ganteng Martin Praja

Squid can be prepared in various ways. Starting from frying, grilling, boiling, to cooking with sauce and typical spices. Its tenderness facilitates the processing process and can be adjusted to various tastes.

Fried Calamari Recipe Ala Chef Ganteng Martin Praja

Some famous dishes that use squid include calamari fritti in Italy, fried flour squid in Asia, or grilled squid dishes with special seasonings. In addition, squid can also be used as a side dish, for example, like fried flour squid.

Fried Calamari Recipe Ala Chef Ganteng Martin Praja

Soft and crispy squid meat wrapped in savory flour is never wrong. Enjoyed with a dipping sauce, it becomes even more flavorful.

Fried Calamari Recipe Ala Chef Ganteng Martin Praja

If Dream friends want to try making fried calamari with flour, it's very easy. Just follow the recipe shared by the handsome Chef, Martin Prajadi on Instagram @martinpraja. Before cooking, make sure the ingredients are ready.

"Wet ingredients:"

- 250 gr squid - 1 egg - 2 tbsp oyster sauce - 1 tbsp sesame oil - 1/2 tsp garlic powder - pepper - mushroom broth


"Dry ingredients:"

- 8 tablespoons of wheat flour - 4 tablespoons of cornstarch - 2 tablespoons of tapioca flour - 1 teaspoon of salt - 2 teaspoons of baking powder - 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper

Fried Calamari Recipe Ala Chef Ganteng Martin Praja

First, mix the wheat flour, cornstarch, and tapioca flour together according to the measurement. Don't forget to add salt, powdered pepper, and baking powder to get crispy fried results. Then, stir until well mixed.

Fried Calamari Recipe Ala Chef Ganteng Martin Praja

Secondly, cut the squid into rings. Mix all the wet ingredients, such as sesame oil, garlic powder, pepper, mushroom broth, oyster sauce, and 1 egg according to the measurement. Stir and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Fried Calamari Recipe Ala Chef Ganteng Martin Praja

"After letting it sit for 5 minutes, mix the wet squid dough into the dry flour that has been mixed."

Fried Calamari Recipe Ala Chef Ganteng Martin Praja

Next, fry the squid dough in hot oil. But, it doesn't need to be long, just 5 minutes is enough to make it crispy and not hard. After that, drain it.

Fried Calamari Recipe Ala Chef Ganteng Martin Praja

Fried flour calamari is ready to be enjoyed. If you want to add toppings, such as sauce, it's also allowed. Enjoy! Report by Amanda Syavira.

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