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No Need to Panic, Do This to Help Hajj Pilgrims who are Separated from the Group

No Need to Panic, Do This to Help Hajj Pilgrims who are Separated from the Group

Dream - In the midst of the crowded Masjidil Haram, it is often found that Indonesian hajj pilgrims are separated from their groups. The Head of the Makkah Working Area, Khalilurrahman, said that usually the separated pilgrims are the elderly. He said that when finding Indonesian hajj pilgrims separated from their groups, both officials and younger pilgrims are obliged to help.

No Need to Panic, Do This to Help Hajj Pilgrims Separated from the Group

"Well, if we encounter something like this, both the officials and the younger congregation members are obliged to help," said Khalilurrahman quoted from the Kemenag website, Monday, June 3, 2024."

According to Khalil, there are several steps that need to be taken to help the pilgrims separate from the group at Masjidil Haram. "First, make sure we know the direction and familiarize ourselves with the area of Masjidil Haram. Identify the doors or main spots of Masjidil Haram," said Khalil.

No Need to Panic, Do This to Help Hajj Pilgrims Separated from the Group

Secondly, calm down the separated group of pilgrims. "Invite them to a safe and sheltered place from the scorching sun. Provide them with drinks and food if needed," he said.

Third, ask for the name, place of origin, and cluster number of the pilgrims. Match it with the identification mark worn by the pilgrims, such as a bracelet or a pilgrim identity card. "Fourth, if they bring a pilgrim identity card, we can scan the barcode using the Haji Pintar application to obtain information and the name of the cluster leader. After that, contact the cluster officer," he continued.

"Accompany the congregation until the officials of the group arrive and we hand it over. Or it can also be delivered to the Special Sector Office of Masjidil Haram located at Syib Amir terminal," he continued."

No Need to Panic, Do This to Help Hajj Pilgrims Separated from the Group

No need to panic when separated from the group.

Khalil explained that separated members of the group do not need to panic. Because, they have deployed a number of officers in the area of Masjidil Haram, with the characteristics of wearing black vests with the words "Indonesian Hajj Officer". "Just look for our officers who are wearing black vests with the words Indonesian Hajj Officer. They also wear white shirts with batik collars," he said.

No Need to Panic, Do This to Help Hajj Pilgrims Separated from the Group

Khalil reminded, in the tawaf area on the 1st floor, there are also officers who roam wearing ihram clothes with the writing "Indonesian Hajj Officer". "So I remind you, don't panic if the group is separated in Masjidil Haram, please look for Indonesian Hajj officers," he said.

"If it turns out that you cannot meet due to the crowd at Masjidil Haram, pilgrims can also report their condition through the Kawal Haji application. Please convey your position, our officers will immediately approach,"
he/she speaks


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