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"Special Prayers while in Mecca, Hajj Pilgrims or Umrah Must Know!"

Prayers offered in the Holy Land of Mecca, God willing, are very powerful.

Dream - The Holy Land of Mecca is the main destination for Muslims who will perform the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage. In this sacred place, Muslims want to offer all their supplications. For Dream friends who are performing the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimage, they should increase their prayers. Whether it's when entering the city of Mecca, entering the Masjid al-Haram, seeing the Kaaba, or leaving the Kaaba after completing the entire series of worship. The prayers offered in the Holy Land of Mecca, God willing, are very effective and there will be abundant rewards bestowed by Allah SWT.

Well, here are the prayers that you can practice when you are in Mecca as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Special Prayers when in Mecca, Hajj or Umrah Pilgrims Must Know!

"Special Prayers when in Mecca"

The activity that Dream's friend must do when in Mecca is to increase worship and pray to Allah SWT. Here are special prayers to be practiced when in Mecca that are important to be followed:

1. Prayer upon Entering the City of Mecca

Allah, this is your sanctuary and your safety, so forbid my flesh, blood, and humanity from the fire, and protect me from your punishment on the day when your servants are resurrected. Make me among your allies and the people of your obedience.

O Allah, this city is Your sacred land and a safe place, so protect my flesh, blood, hair, fur, and skin from Hellfire. Secure me from Your punishment on the day You resurrect me among Your righteous servants and those who are obedient to You.

2. Prayer upon Entering Masjidil Haram

"Allahumma antassalaam, waminkassalaam fahayyinaa rabbanaa bissalaam wa adkhilnal jannata daarassalaam tabaarakta wata'aalaita yaa dzaljalaali wal ikraam. Allahummaftah lii abwaaba rahmatika wamaghfiratika wa adkhilnii fiihaa. Bismillahi walhamdulillahi wasshalaatu wassalaamu 'alaa rasuulillaah." "O Allah, You are the source of peace, and from You comes peace. Grant us, our Lord, a life of peace and admit us to the eternal abode of peace. Blessed and exalted are You, O Lord of majesty and generosity. O Allah, open for me the gates of Your mercy and forgiveness, and admit me into it. In the name of Allah, all praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah."

Translation: "It means: 'O Allah, You are the source of salvation and salvation comes from You. O our Lord, grant us life with salvation and place us in paradise, the land of salvation. Your blessings are abundant and You, O Lord, are the Most High, with glory and honor. O Allah, forgive my sins and open the doors of Your mercy. (I enter this mosque) in the Name of Allah, with all praise to Allah, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah.'"

Special Prayers when in Mecca, Hajj or Umrah Pilgrims Must Know!

3. Prayer when Seeing the Kaaba

"Allahumma zid haadzaal baita tasyriifaa wa ta'dhiimaa wa takriimaa wa mahaabah wa zid man syarafahu wa karramah mimman hajjahu awi'tamarah tasyriifaa wa ta'dhiimaa wa takriimaa wa birra." means "O Allah, increase the honor, glory, dignity, and reverence of this House (Ka'bah)."

And also add to those who honor, glorify, and respect him among those who perform Hajj or Umrah with dignity, grandeur, honor, and goodness.

4. Prayer when Passing by the Station of Ibrahim

"O my Lord, admit me through a truthful entrance and make me leave through a truthful exit. Grant me from Yourself a supporting authority. And say, 'Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart.'"

And say, "The truth has come and falsehood has vanished." Surely falsehood will surely vanish.

Special Prayers when in Mecca, Hajj or Umrah Pilgrims Must Know!
Special Prayers when in Mecca, Hajj or Umrah Pilgrims Must Know!

"5. Prayer when Leaving the Kaaba"

"Bismillah, Allah is the greatest. Glory be to Allah and all praise is due to Allah. There is no god but Allah and Allah is the greatest. There is no power or strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Almighty. And may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. O Allah, I have faith in You, I bear witness to Your book, and I fulfill Your covenant and follow the Sunnah of Your Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Indeed, the one who has made the Qur'an obligatory upon you will bring you back to it. O Restorer, restore me, O All-Hearing, hear me, O Compeller, compel me, O Concealer, conceal me, O Most Merciful, have mercy on me, O One who returns, return me to this house of Yours."

"warzuqniyal-'audata tsummal-'auda karraatin ba'da marraatin. Taa'ibuuna 'aabiduuna saa'ihuuna li rabbinaa haamiduun. Shadaqallaahu wa'dahu, wa nashara 'abdahu wa hazamal-ahzaaba wahdahu. Allaahuumahfazhnii 'an yamiinii wa 'an yasaarii wa min quddaamii wa min waraa'i zhahrii wa min fauqii wa min tahtii hatta tuwashshilanii ilaa ahlii wa baladii. Allaahumma hawwin 'alainas-safara wa athwi lanaa bu'dal-ardhi. Allaahumma ashbahnaa fii safarinaa wakhlufnaa fii ahlinaa yaa arhamar-raahimiin. Wa yaa rabbal-'aalamiin." Translation: "O Allah, provide me with sustenance in abundance, then in abundance once again. The repentant, worshiping, righteous ones are praising our Lord. Allah has fulfilled His promise, and His servant has prevailed over the enemies alone. O Allah, protect me from my right side, my left side, from in front of me, from behind me, from above me, and from below me, until You bring me back to my family and my homeland. O Allah, make our journey easy for us and replace the distance with closeness. O Allah, make us resemble our loved ones during our journey and reunite us with our families, O Most Merciful. O Lord of the worlds."

Translation: "Meaning: "In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest, Glory to Allah and all praise is only for Allah, there is no God but Allah the Greatest, there is no power (to obtain benefits) and no strength (to reject difficulties) except with the help from Allah the Most High and the Greatest. Blessings and peace be upon the beloved Prophet. O Allah, I come here because of my faith in You, confirming Your book, fulfilling Your promise, and following the tradition of Your Prophet Muhammad."

Special Prayers when in Mecca, Hajj or Umrah Pilgrims Must Know!

Truly, the Lord who has sent down the Qur'an to you will surely bring you back to your place of return, O Lord who has the Power to restore, restore me to my place, O Lord who is All-Hearing, hear (grant) my request, O Lord who is Most Repairing, repair me, O Lord who is Most Protecting, cover my shame, O Lord who is Most Merciful, have mercy on me, O Lord who has the Power to Restore, bring me back to this Ka'bah and provide me with sustenance to repeat it many times, in a state of repentance and worship.

sailing towards our Lord while praising, Allah fulfills His promise to help His servants, who destroy their own enemies. O Allah, protect me from the right, left, front and back, from above and below until You return me to my family and homeland. O Allah, ease our journey, fold the earth for us. O Allah, accompany us on the journey and replace our position in the family we left behind, O Lord, Most Merciful above all merciful, O Lord, the Guardian of the entire universe.

"After completing Tawaf Wada, the pilgrims are advised to stand at Multazam, which is between the Black Stone and the door of the Kaaba. Then recite the following prayer:"

Special Prayers when in Mecca, Hajj or Umrah Pilgrims Must Know!

Allah, indeed the house is Your house, and the servant is Your servant, and the son of Your servant, and the son of Your maidservant. You have carried me upon what You have created for me until You have made me reach Your land, and You have blessed me with Your blessings until You have helped me fulfill Your commands upon me. So if I am pleased with me, then increase me in pleasure, and if not, then who from now on will be pleased with me? This is a time of departure for me if You allow me to depart from Your house. Do not make this the last of my visits to Your sacred house, and if You make it the last, then compensate me with Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful. Amen, O Lord of the worlds.

Fa in kunta radhiita 'annii fazdud 'annii ridhan, wa illaa famunnal-aan 'alayya qabla tabaa'udii 'an baitika. Haadzaa awaanunshiraafii in adzAnta lii ghaira mustabdalin bika wa laa bibaitika wa laa raaghiban 'anka wa laa 'an baitika. Allaahummash-hibnii bil-'aafiyati fii badanii wal-ishmata fii diinii wa ahsin munqalabii warzuqnii thaa'ataka maa abqaitanii.Wajma' lii khairad-dunyaa wal-aAkhirati innaka 'alaa kulli syai'in qadiir. Allaahumma laa taj'al haadzaa aakhiral-'ahdi bibaitikal-haraam, in ja'altahuu aakhiral- 'ahdi fa'awwidhnii 'anhul-jannata birahmatika yaa Arhamar- Raahimiin. Aamiin yaa Rabbal-'Aalamiin. Translation: "If you are pleased with me, then increase me in contentment. But if not, then afflict me with contentment. And if not, then afflict me with contentment before I leave your house. This is a supplication for nobility, if you grant it to me, not seeking a replacement for you, nor your house, nor desiring separation from you or your house. O Allah, accompany me with well-being in my body, and preserve my religion, and make my end better than my beginning, and provide me with Your provision as long as You keep me alive. And gather for me the good of this world and the Hereafter. Indeed, You are over all things competent. O Allah, do not make this the last visit to Your sacred house. If You make it the last visit, then grant me Paradise by Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful. Amen, O Lord of the worlds."

Special Prayers when in Mecca, Hajj or Umrah Pilgrims Must Know!

Translation: "Meaning: "O Allah, this house is Your house, I am Your servant, the son of Your servant, both male and female. You have brought me into this land that You have made easy for me, and You have guided me. You have blessed me with Your blessings and helped me in performing the Hajj pilgrimage. If You are pleased with me, then increase Your satisfaction towards me, increase Your satisfaction towards me."

If not, then complete it now before I am far from your home. Now it's time for me to go home, if you allow me without exchanging anything with You (Your Essence) or your home, not hating You and not hating your home. O Allah, grant me this with good health in my body, always maintaining my religion, a safe return home, and grant me obedience to You forever as long as You let me live and gather for me the goodness of this world and the Hereafter. Indeed, You are Almighty over everything.

"Oh Allah, please do not let this time be my last with Your house. If You make it my last, then replace Paradise for me with Your mercy, O Lord who is Most Merciful of all who show mercy. Amen, O Lord, the Protector of all the worlds."

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