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Catat! 4 Risiko Buruk Saat Asal Diet Tak Perhatikan Kondisi Tubuh

Note! 4 Bad Risks When Originating Diet Doesn't Pay Attention to Body Condition

"Long-term health is at stake."

Dream - Losing weight, for some people it becomes very difficult to do. Changing daily habits to burn more calories, controlling portion sizes, and regularly exercising are important to do when wanting to lose weight. Unfortunately, not everyone applies them.

Note! 4 Bad Risks When Dieting Without Paying Attention to Body Conditions

"Diet is not just a way to achieve a specific number on the scale, but also to maintain body health even when in a calorie deficit. If weight loss is done improperly, done in an extreme manner without considering the body's condition, you are likely to face a number of serious health risks."

Note! 4 Bad Risks When Dieting Without Paying Attention to Body Conditions

"Diet Ekstrem" translates to "Extreme Diet" in English.

Maybe we all dream of having an ideal body. In achieving it, we also need to consider the health of our body, especially when undergoing a diet or in a calorie deficit condition.

When a successful diet is done to significantly lose weight but neglects the health of the body, the effects can be very bad. Not only in the short term but also in the long term. Here are the original risks of a diet that are important for you to know, so that you are more careful when you want to lose weight.

Note! 4 Bad Risks When Dieting Without Paying Attention to Body Conditions

"Extreme Diet Risks"
1. Formation of Gallstones

Instant weight loss can cause the formation of gallstones. Gallstones are formed due to hardened deposits in the gallbladder. The risk of gallstone formation will increase if Sahabat Dream excessively reduces calorie intake and consumes a minimal amount of fat.


2. Disturbed Mental Health

Extreme diets not only affect the physical body, but can also have a significant impact on mental health such as anxiety and depression. In fact, it can trigger or worsen eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia.

2. Kesehatan Mental Terganggu<br>

Some people who do this extreme diet because they are influenced by body shape issues or social pressure to meet unrealistic beauty standards.

Note! 4 Bad Risks When Dieting Without Paying Attention to Body Conditions

3. Loss of Muscle Mass

Rapid weight loss is often achieved through extreme calorie deficit and drastic lifestyle changes. One of the risks is not only losing fat but also losing muscle mass, which can lead to a decrease in metabolism. This makes it difficult for you to maintain weight loss in the long term.


4. Nutritional Deficiencies

"In addition, extreme dieting can also result in nutrient deficiencies as the body loses intake of vitamins and minerals. These deficiencies may cause various health problems, such as decreased immune function, fatigue, and skin issues as well as hair health decline. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source: Timesofindia"

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