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Apply 5 Healthy Habits to Increase Insulin Sensitivity

Apply 5 Healthy Habits to Increase Insulin Sensitivity

Implement 5 Healthy Habits to Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Dream - Increasing insulin sensitivity can have a positive impact on the body. This becomes a solution for those who experience insulin resistance and the risk of developing diabetes. Moreover, you will also find it easier to control your weight.

"Getting to Know Insulin"

Insulin itself is a substance produced by the pancreas and plays a major role in facilitating the transfer of glucose from the blood into cells for storage. In addition, insulin also plays a role in maintaining blood glucose levels and supporting weight loss.

When insulin-resistant cells, their role becomes less effective, resulting in an increase in blood sugar. Efforts to increase insulin sensitivity do not have to consume medication, you can do it naturally at home by doing the following habits.

Tidur yang Cukup

"Enough Sleep"

Insulin sensitivity can be influenced by sleep quality. Lack of time and poor sleep quality can increase the risk of infection, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Therefore, ensure sufficient time and quality of sleep. Researchers recommend a minimum of 8 hours of sleep each night to improve insulin sensitivity.

Olahraga Rutin

"Regular Exercise"

Physical activity for 30 minutes for 3-5 days per week can increase insulin sensitivity and help store glucose in the muscles, thus not significantly affecting body weight. Sahabat Dream can do weightlifting or cardiovascular exercises to improve insulin sensitivity.

Implement 5 Healthy Habits to Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Ideally, combine various types of exercises to activate all muscles and bodily functions. Research shows that performing resistance exercises can increase insulin sensitivity in both men and women, whether they have diabetes or not.

"Controlling Stress"

Stress has a negative impact on the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels. If it occurs continuously, stress hormones levels will increase and trigger nutrient breakdown as well as an increase in blood sugar levels. Research also states that high levels of stress hormones can reduce insulin sensitivity.

"Applying Healthy Eating Patterns"

Applying a healthy eating pattern can also improve insulin sensitivity. Choosing low-carbohydrate and unsaturated fat foods for at least 6 weeks has been proven to increase insulin sensitivity.

"Controlling Body Weight"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Overweight, especially fat accumulation in the abdominal area, can reduce insulin sensitivity and increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes."

Implement 5 Healthy Habits to Improve Insulin Sensitivity

This happens because fat produces hormones that promote insulin resistance in muscles and liver. Therefore, it is recommended to control weight to stay ideal. Report by Amanda Syavira/ Source: Healthline.

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