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Summary of the Excitement of MA Goes To Campus at Brawijaya University Malang, Many Interesting Things to Explore

Recently, Brawijaya University in Malang successfully hosted the MA Goes To Campus event, which took place on Sunday (20/10). Attended by 150 participants, predominantly law students, the event could also be watched online on Vidio. Interestingly, since the beginning of the event, the participants' enthusiasm could be seen as they filled the Munir Ballroom, Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University. This is in line with the goal of MA Goes To Campus, which is to introduce the tasks and functions of the Supreme Court in a more creative, enjoyable, and popular way to students.

They were very enthusiastic about participating in the excitement of the event from beginning to end. In addition, the activities organized by the Legal Bureau and Public Relations of the Supreme Court in collaboration with Emtek Digital have successfully increased the interest of the best students to become a judge, which is a noble profession and other judicial officials in the future. Here is a summary of the excitement!

Summary of the Excitement of MA Goes To Campus at Brawijaya University Malang, Many Interesting Things to Explore

"MA Goes to Campus"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows:

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Judicial Institutions in Malang City Receive Appreciation From the Supreme Court"

Dr. Aan Eko Widiarto S.H,.M.Hum as the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Brawijaya University also appreciates the MA Goes To Campus event in his speech.

"Kami sangat mengapresiasi kegiatan MA Goes To Campus, karena sudah memilih Universitas Brawijaya sebagai tuan rumah. Apalagi ide MA Goes To Campus ini diadakan untuk mencari bibit unggul hakim di Mahkamah Agung dari lulusan mahasiswa terbaik. Kami berharap ke depan akan lebih banyak lulusan Fakultas Hukum dari Universitas Brawijaya yang diterima menjadi hakim di Indonesia," ungkap Dekan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya.

Summary of the Excitement of MA Goes To Campus at Brawijaya University Malang, Many Interesting Things to Explore

Also present was Mr. Dr. H. Sobandi. S.H. M.H as the Head of the Legal and Public Relations Bureau of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia on the same occasion. In front of the participants, he also introduced online case registration services, online payment, and online summons from the Supreme Court called e-Court.

"Through the e-Court application, Hotman Paris no longer needs to come to the court when submitting a response or lawsuit. He just needs to sit comfortably in his office, upload the lawsuit or response letter, and it will automatically be submitted to the court. That is one of the developments carried out by the Legal Bureau and Public Relations of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia," said Mr. Sobandi.

"Not only that, the Supreme Court also appreciates several judicial institutions in the city of Malang."

The appreciation is given to the Malang District Court represented by Mrs. Rosihan Juriah Rangkuti, S.H., M.H. as the Chief of the Malang District Court, and to the Malang Religious Court represented by Mr. Drs. Zainal Farid, S.H., M.HES. as the Chief of the Malang Religious Court.


"Summary of the First Speaker Presentation Session"

In the first session of material presentation, it was delivered by Dr. Riki Perdana R. Waruwu, S.H., M.H, as the Judicial Judge of the Legal and Public Relations Bureau of the Supreme Court. The man who was once crowned as the youngest judge in Indonesia discussed the meaning of glory for a judge.

Rangkuman Sesi Pemaparan Narasumber yang Pertama

"Glory is not determined by the magnitude of the position held by someone, but by how capable a judge is in acting wisely and judiciously in every decision. Today, the Supreme Court met with law students from Brawijaya University who will later determine the direction of legal development in Indonesia and become wise and judicious individuals," he said.

"Law graduate's skills are twofold. First is the ability to speak in public, and second is the ability to write."
"Only then later can it be improved with the ability to master legal developments in the field of technology, including language development."

Add the Judge Yustisial Legal Bureau and Public Relations of the Supreme Court.


Selain itu, ia juga mengajak para peserta khususnya mahasiswa agar menjadi orang yang kritis. "Biasakan melihat suatu permasalahan yang belum dijelaskan dan apabila tidak mengerti ajukan pertanyaan. Walau begitu, ada yang lebih penting dari sekadar mengajukan pertanyaan, yaitu jadilah orang yang mampu menjawab beragam pertanyaan. Sebab, Mahkamah Agung butuh orang-orang yang mampu menjawab persoalan-persoalan di negara ini di masa yang akan datang."

Highlight Narasumber kedua<br>

"Highlight the second speaker"

Entering the second session, Ellyana Mae, as the Editor-in-Chief of Fimela, was also present. She shared information about various legal issues from the media's perspective.

"Many things related to law are involved in our daily work. Being a journalist is not easy. You have to go through media verification. Until January 2023, there are 1711 media that have been verified. That means those media are qualified to publish content and are able to be accountable for the content they create," he said.

"In order to comply with existing laws, this verification media cannot publish content indiscriminately. There are multiple layers of processes applied, including fact-checking, concerns for sources, and so on."
"The goal is to prevent mistakes and be accountable. This is what makes news from verified media unable to be as fast as social media in its publication."

continue the woman who is familiarly called Mae.


"Summary of the Third Speaker Presentation Session"

In the same opportunity, also present as a speaker is Muhammad Dahlan S.H., M.H as an Academician of the Faculty of Law at Brawijaya University. He discussed journalism and hopes for an inclusive Indonesia.

"Speaking of information, as humans we have the ability to think and in life we need information. Therefore, the right to open information, the right to develop oneself, and the right to express opinions are included as one of the constitutional rights. It is also regulated in the 1945 Constitution. Interestingly, when looking at Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution, it is stated that every person has equal standing in the eyes of the law," he said.

"Through various presentations of the material earlier, we came to know that the face of the Supreme Court is so inclusive."
"Law students at Brawijaya University in Malang who need research data can directly access the official website of the Supreme Court and utilize its various features, so that students are greatly assisted."

add Academics Faculty of Law University of Brawijaya.


That is a summary of the excitement of MA Goes To Campus in Malang. Interestingly, the participants who attended the MA Goes To Campus event in Malang did not just listen. They also actively asked questions that were equally substantial, especially in the Q&A session. In addition, thanks to the interesting and easily understood presentations from the speakers, the participants were able to obtain satisfying answers. Watch the excitement of the MA Goes To Campus event at Brawijaya University in Malang here. Author: Achmad Iwan Tantomi.

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