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Atasi Perut Kembung, Coba Lakukan Tips dari Ahli Gizi

Overcome Bloated Stomach, Try Tips from Nutrition Experts

Dream - Bloated stomach is a common digestive problem and can easily occur, especially if you have a history of stomach disease. Although often underestimated, bloated stomach can make a person feel uncomfortable and disrupt activities. Your digestive condition can also worsen if not immediately addressed.

Overcome Bloating, Try Tips from Nutrition Experts

Friend Dream can overcome bloated stomach in various ways. Starting from consuming certain foods or drinks to avoiding unhealthy eating patterns.

Listen to tips from Nutritionist, Rachel Olsen, below to make it easier to prevent and overcome bloating.

1. Kurangi Makanan Asin

1. Reduce Salty Foods

"Most bloating and flatulence can occur due to excessive salt consumption," said Rachel in her Instagram post.

Reduce your intake of food that has a salty and savory taste, such as dishes high in MSG, as well as processed, fast food, and packaged food. These types of food increase the sodium level in the body and can cause bloating. Reduce your intake of these foods and control the amount of salt consumed, okay!

2. Drink Water

2. Drink Water

"If you feel bloated, swollen, or like you've eaten too much salt, try increasing your water intake," said Rachel. Adjust the water level according to the amount of salt consumed to maintain balance."

3. Konsumsi Makanan Tinggi Potasium

3. Consumption of High Potassium Foods

Potassium, which is often found in fruits, can help relieve bloating in the stomach.

Usually, people will consume bananas when advised to eat high potassium foods. However, according to Rachel, watermelon and coconut water have higher potassium levels than bananas.

"Only in two slices (of watermelon), there are 640 milligrams of potassium or about 14 percent of the recommended daily intake (RDI), and one cup of coconut water contains about 600 milligrams of potassium,"
"ungkap Rachel." translates to "revealed Rachel."

"@ 2023"


"Kadar dan Manfaat Potasium" translates to "Potassium Levels and Benefits" in English.

Potassium itself is needed as much as 4,500 milligrams per day. Besides relieving bloating, potassium also reduces water retention in the body by excreting excess sodium.

"Other Tips"

Apart from the previously mentioned tips, Rachel suggests consuming ginger, fibrous food or drinks, and increasing physical activity to prevent or relieve bloating. So, Sahabat Dream doesn't need to worry about finding the right solution when feeling bloated and uncomfortable in the midst of activities.

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