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Tayang Hari Ini! Tonton Keseruan MA Goes To Campus di Malang Lewat Vidio

After being announced earlier, MA Goes To Campus Malang is ready to be held this Sunday (22/10). The event, which takes place at Brawijaya University, can not only be attended directly at the location, but can also be watched online through Vidio. A total of 150 participants will fill the Munir Ballroom at the Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University. However, with the online broadcast on Vidio, this MA Goes To Campus event can be followed by anyone from anywhere, especially law students.

Expected to attract the interest of the best students.

Expected to attract the interest of the best students.

For those who don't know, this MA Goes To Campus activity itself is an activity organized by the Legal and Public Relations Bureau of the Supreme Court in collaboration with Emtek Digital. Malang is one of the cities visited by MA Goes To Campus this time, besides Jakarta and Denpasar.

The activity was presented with the aim of introducing the tasks and functions of the Supreme Court in a more creative, enjoyable, and popular way to students.

Other than that, the activity is also expected to attract the interest of the best students to become a judge, which is a noble profession, and other judicial officials.

Tayang Hari Ini! Tonton Keseruan MA Goes To Campus di Malang Lewat Vidio

"Can Learn Directly from the Experts"

In addition, through this activity, participants can learn directly about the duties and functions of the Supreme Court, and also learn about how to become a Justice of the Supreme Court directly from the experts. Moreover, in this MA Goes To Campus Malang event, there are also many competent speakers. This makes this activity a waste if it is missed.


There is Dr. Aan Eko Widiarto S.H., M.Hum as the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Brawijaya University along with his staff. Then, there is Mr. Dr. H. Sobandi S.H., M.H as the Head of the Legal and Public Relations Bureau of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia. Additionally, there is Mrs. Rosihan Juriah Rangkuti S.H., M.H as the Chairperson of the Malang District Court, and Mr. Drs. Zainal Farid S.H., M.HES as the Chairperson of the Malang Religious Court. In addition, other speakers at the MA Goes To Campus Malang event include Muhammad Dahlan S.H., M.H as an academician from the Faculty of Law at Brawijaya University, Dr. Riki Perdana R. Waruwu S.H., M.H as a Judicial Officer from the Legal and Public Relations Bureau of the Supreme Court, and Ellyana Mae as the Editor-in-Chief of Fimela.

Curious about what the speakers will discuss at the MA Goes To Campus event in Malang this time? So, don't miss the excitement of the event by watching MA Goes To Campus in Malang on Vidio. Watch the event live here! Author: Achmad Iwan Tantomi

Tayang Hari Ini! Tonton Keseruan MA Goes To Campus di Malang Lewat Vidio
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