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Overcome Puffy Eyes with 2 Simple Tricks

Overcome Puffy Eyes with 2 Simple Tricks

"Dream - Dark circles under the eyes due to lack of sleep or unhealthy body conditions can be concealed using concealer, so that the face appears fresher. This cannot be applied if your eyes are swollen."

Atasi Mata Sembab dengan 2 Trik Simple

Swollen eyes usually occur after crying. As a result, the shape of the eyes becomes smaller, slanted, and even difficult to open wide as usual. Sometimes, swollen eyes also occur along with facial swelling. This condition not only affects appearance but also vision.

Atasi Mata Sembab dengan 2 Trik Simple

Swollen eyes cannot disappear in a short period of time, but Sahabat Dream can make efforts as recommended by Dermatologist Arthur Simon so that your appearance returns to normal. Here's how.

Gunakan Sendok

Use Spoon

Use a spoon to compress the swollen eye area. Place the spoon on the eyelid and leave it for a few moments.

Make sure the spoon used has been cooled in the refrigerator beforehand to help reduce swollen eyes. The spoon used should also be made of metal to provide a calming effect when used to compress the eyes. This method can also be done as an alternative to using eye drops to relieve tired eyes after staring at a gadget screen for too long.

Pakai Arnica Gel

Use Arnica Gel

Using arnica gel can help reduce swollen or puffy eyes and soothe the skin around them.

"Calming Effect"

Arnica gel has a soothing effect on the skin by providing a menthol effect, making it suitable for use as a cold compress on the skin. Arthur suggests putting arnica gel in the refrigerator before use to maximize its benefits in treating puffy eyes.

"Another Way"

Apart from arnica gel and a spoon, Dream Friend can use skincare or other natural ingredients to soothe the under-eye area and reduce puffy eyes, one of which is by using under-eye patches.

"Even not only under-eye masks can soothe puffy eyes and nourish the skin around them, but eye cream or eye serum also has similar benefits. Dream's friends only need to put special skincare for the under-eye area into the fridge before applying it, so it can be used to treat puffy eyes."

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