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"10 Potret Mix and Match Fun with Classy Mini Skirt ala Anissa Aziza"

10 Potret Mix and Match Classy Mini Skirt ala Anissa Aziza

Dream - Anissa Aziza, a fashion content creator, really likes to have a girly and sweet appearance with mini dresses and mini skirts. Her slim and tall legs indeed look very beautiful when wearing those outfits.

10 Potret Mix and Match Classy Mini Skirt ala Anissa Aziza

The wife of comedian Raditya Dika likes to do mix and match that is fun. Especially when wearing a mini skirt. For Dream friends who are looking for outfit ideas with a mini skirt, you can check out the cool style of this mother of two.

One Set Warna Beige

"One Set Color Beige"

Anissa appears to prefer outfits in monochrome colors, soft tones, and earthy touches in many of her appearances. This time, she is wearing a matching beige one set vest and mini skirt.

10 Potret Mix and Match Classy Mini Skirt ala Anissa Aziza

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The sexy impression is very visible but still with an elegant style. The mini skirt she is wearing has a straight cutting and fits the body well. There are strap details that give accents to the skirt to avoid being monotonous."

10 Potret Mix and Match Classy Mini Skirt ala Anissa Aziza

The vest she wore turned out to be used as a top. It has a sharp cut and is long enough to cover the skirt. The similar color gives Anissa a formal yet sexy look.

10 Potret Mix and Match Classy Mini Skirt ala Anissa Aziza

The surprise can be seen behind the vest. There is a hole accent that reveals the back. The appearance is made in a clean style with a sleek ponytail, black glasses, and a medium-sized brown bag.

10 Potret Mix and Match Classy Mini Skirt ala Anissa Aziza

"Classic Look"

In another appearance, Anissa chooses a classic and very formal but still interesting nuance. She wears a tailor-cut blazer, which is combined with a white inner. This style gives a professional look impression and with a contemporary touch.

10 Potret Mix and Match Classy Mini Skirt ala Anissa Aziza

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The mini skirt she is wearing also has a slim and straight cutting, very suitable for her slim body. Anissa looks so stylish with this outfit combination."

10 Potret Mix and Match Classy Mini Skirt ala Anissa Aziza

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The appearance becomes more on point with small bag accessories and black sunglasses. As footwear, he chose to wear white sneakers to look more sporty. Fun mix and match, right? Dream's friend adapted it for the office outfit."

10 Potret Mix and Match Classy Mini Skirt ala Anissa Aziza
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