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Stres Perburuk Kondisi Penderita Kanker? Ini Kata Pakar

"Stress Worsens the Condition of Cancer Patients? Here's What the Expert Says"

Stress Worsens Cancer Patients' Condition? This is What the Expert Says

Dream - Suffering from cancer can affect someone's mental state. This is because cancer can shorten someone's lifespan, especially if the cancer has reached stage 3 or 4.

Meanwhile, cancer patients need a strong desire to have more spirit to fight for their health. The treatment undergone by cancer patients is not easy. Cancer patients have to prepare funds, time, and mental strength to undergo treatment. In this process, sometimes the mental health of patients is underestimated. Quite a lot of people are not aware that mental health also needs to be considered during cancer treatment.

"Indirectly, there is an influence of stress on cancer. Cancer cells multiply aggressively, killing healthy cells. The body has mechanisms to kill 'abnormal' cancer cells, but if the growth of cancer cells is faster, the body cannot fight against it."
"ujar Ben Widjaja, President Director Mandaya Royal Hospital Puri dalam acara 2nd Anniversary rumah sakit tersebut di Tangerang, Banten, Sabtu 21 Oktober 2023." According to Ben Widjaja, President Director of Mandaya Royal Hospital Puri, during the 2nd Anniversary event of the hospital in Tangerang, Banten, on Saturday, October 21, 2023.

"@ 2023"

Stress Worsens Cancer Patients' Condition? This is What the Expert Says

Stress can lower the immune system and have various negative impacts on health. According to Ben, the immune system is the last defense against the development of cancer. That's why stress can have a significant influence on the condition of cancer patients.

"Source of Stress"

As previously mentioned, cancer patients are more prone to stress due to the treatment of the disease. Moreover, chemotherapy and treatment are not always successful. If unsuccessful, cancer patients need to undergo it again to improve their condition.

Patients with cancer must take care of their mental health in order to undergo a complex treatment. The reason is that cancer patients who undergo screening or treatment at the hospital are usually already in stage 3 or 4.

Stress Worsens Cancer Patients' Condition? This is What the Expert Says

"Going back and forth to the hospital (for screening, consultation, or treatment) can also cause stress and ultimately, cancer to develop more rapidly. The mental effects are also more severe."
tutur Ben.

"@ 2023"

Stress Worsens Cancer Patients' Condition? This is What the Expert Says

The mental burden of cancer patients can be reduced by undergoing more effective and efficient treatment. It is advisable for cancer patients to receive treatment at the same hospital. Moreover, if the hospital has a special program to handle cancer patients.

Friend, Dream can perform screening for various types of cancer by undergoing Genetic Testing at Mandaya Royal Hospital and receive the results on the same day to facilitate treatment and reduce the risk of mental burden. The hospital also provides a one-stop clinic concept called Brave (breast advanced cancer center), where all breast cancer patients can receive comprehensive treatment and facilities.

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