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Kontrol Frekuensi Makan dengan Intermittent Fasting Bikin Awet Muda

Kontrol Frekuensi Makan dengan Intermittent Fasting Bikin Awet Muda translates to "Control Meal Frequency with Intermittent Fasting Keeps You Young"

Control Eating with Intermittent Fasting, Keeps You Young

Dream - Controlling eating patterns when wanting to lose weight is not always easy for everyone. The chosen eating pattern should be easily followed in order to be turned into a healthier routine.

One easy way to manage your diet when you want to lose weight is by practicing intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting itself is done by dividing the time/window for eating.

Control Eating with Intermittent Fasting, Keeps You Young

"How to do Intermittent Fasting"

"Undergoing intermittent fasting is almost the same as Ramadan fasting, but Sahabat Dream can still drink mineral water while fasting. The fasting cycle is not divided based on a specific time. You can choose several fasting cycles or eating windows, such as 14:10, 16:8, and so on. If you choose the 16:8 eating window, it means you have to fast for 16 hours and can only consume food and drinks within an 8-hour period."

Control Eating with Intermittent Fasting, Keeps You Young

"Quite a lot of people feel it is easier to control their cravings and eating patterns after practicing intermittent fasting. Of course, these benefits can be obtained if you do not overeat when the fasting period is over."

"Not only can it help you lose weight, intermittent fasting has many other health benefits that you can obtain if you do it regularly. Here are some of them:"

Membuat Seseorang Terlihat Awet Muda

"Making Someone Look Forever Young"

A healthy diet and having an ideal body weight can make you look youthful.

"Intermittent fasting can stimulate autophagy, which is the renewal of damaged body cells, so it can make you stay young."
Maria Eleonora said, Lifestyle Influencer and Bachelor of Food Technology & Nutrition in her Instagram post.

"@ 2023"


"Healing Various Diseases"

Undergoing intermittent fasting can improve eating patterns and enhance immune system, so your body will be protected from various diseases. In fact, Sahabat Dream can prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and other inflammations by regularly and consistently practicing intermittent fasting for a long period of time.

Tubuh Menjadi Lebih Berenergi dan Mudah Fokus

Body Becomes More Energetic and Easy to Focus

Blood sugar will be more stable when undergoing intermittent fasting. This will make your body more energetic. Sahabat Dream will also find it easier to focus when blood sugar levels are stable and not easily feeling hungry.

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