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Note! These 5 Ways Help You Feel Full Faster

Note! These 5 Ways Help You Feel Full Faster

Dream - The key to implementing a healthy lifestyle and maintaining weight is consuming enough food for the body's nutritional needs. Controlling the amount of food consumed is not only about choosing the type of dish, but also about managing the timing and manner of eating.

Catat! 5 Cara yang Bantu Kamu Lebih Cepat Kenyang

That makes you feel full easier, so you are less likely to experience weight gain. Therefore, Dream will provide tips that can help you feel full faster with a healthy eating pattern. Come on, let's see how.

Catat! 5 Cara yang Bantu Kamu Lebih Cepat Kenyang

1. Do Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is the best way to reduce the amount of calories consumed and prevent excessive hunger. According to research from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, intermittent fasting has been proven effective in losing approximately 7-11 kilograms of weight in 10 weeks.

1. Do Intermittent Fasting

Although it is not certain whether this is better than other weight loss methods, many people apply intermittent fasting and find it easier to control their appetite. This eating pattern is done by regulating meal times and avoiding food consumption during the remaining time.

Catat! 5 Cara yang Bantu Kamu Lebih Cepat Kenyang

2. Set Meal Portions

Consuming various foods at once can make you overeat. This is common when attending parties, vacations, or watching movies. Limiting food variations can make you feel full faster and control your portion size. By reducing the number of flavor variants on one plate, you can train yourself to feel full faster and develop healthier eating habits.


3. Avoid Processed Food

Food high in sugar, processed carbohydrates, fats, and salt not only taste delicious but also make you feel addicted. According to research in Clinical Chemistry, food with a high glycemic index, especially high sugar and processed carbohydrates, can trigger the release of dopamine in the brain. So even though you don't feel physically hungry, this dopamine response will make you addicted to eating.


Research from the University of Michigan found that the most addictive foods are chocolate, ice cream, french fries, pizza, biscuits, chips, cake, popcorn, cheeseburgers, muffins, and cereals, which quickly increase fat and carbohydrate levels in the body.

Catat! 5 Cara yang Bantu Kamu Lebih Cepat Kenyang

4. Change Snack Type

To make the body feel fuller, you can replace snacks like chips with fruits or nuts. Apples can also be used as snacks rich in soluble fiber pectin and water. These two contents make it a good choice to reduce hunger and trigger a longer feeling of fullness.

4. Ganti Jenis Camilan<br>

According to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, apples can also help with weight loss because their pectin fiber can slow down digestion and provide a feeling of fullness. One medium apple contains only about 100 calories and 4.5 grams of fiber. Therefore, it is considered a convenient and nutritious choice for those who want to reduce their daily calorie intake.

5. Drink water before eating

Another effective strategy to feel full quickly is by drinking a glass of water before eating. According to a study in the Obesity journal, people who drink about two cups of water before meals and follow a calorie-reduction diet can lose 5 kilograms more compared to those who do not drink water before eating.

5. Drink water before eating

Research from Penn State University says that starting a meal with soup can reduce calorie intake during the meal by about 20 percent. So, consuming water or enjoying low-calorie soup before eating helps maintain a feeling of fullness because the stomach is partially filled with the content of the liquid. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty / Source:

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