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"Romanticism of Nature in Biyan Spring Summer 2024 Collection"

"Dream - Biyan Wanaatmadja, a senior designer from Indonesia, continues to produce authentic and classy clothing. With a career spanning almost 4 decades, last year Biyan presented his latest collection, Spring Summer 2023, titled 'Renjana'."

Natural Romance in Biyan Spring Summer 2024 Collection

The following Bahasa text translated to English while preserving any HTML tags: "The collection of his designs is showcased through a fashion show on the evening of October 23, 2023 at Intercontinental Jakarta."

Natural Romance in Biyan Spring Summer 2024 Collection

In this collection, Biyan still adds his distinctive touch that showcases elegant ethnic motifs in detail.

Natural Romance in Biyan Spring Summer 2024 Collection

"I want Indonesian fashion to develop and grow even more, to become bigger as a leading industry"

rich Biyan in the Studio 133 Biyan Spring Summer 2024 event, October 23, 2023 in Jakarta.

Biyan is known for his iconic fashion designs. Curious to know what collection Biyan has launched this time? Let's see his collections below.

Natural Romance in Biyan Spring Summer 2024 Collection

"Inspired by the Twilight Ambiance of Nature"

This time, Biyan's collection uses a combination of natural colors. Unlike the previous collection concept that was full of colors, this time he chose basic natural colors such as moss green, camel, natural beige, and nude blue. The addition of bright colors like yellow and blue in this Biyan collection gives a fresh touch to each design.

Terinspirasi dari Nuansa Alam Senja<br>
Natural Romance in Biyan Spring Summer 2024 Collection

Biyan chooses high-quality materials for his collection this time, which offers extra comfort because they are made from natural fabrics. The chosen materials are cotton, linen, organza, silk, and lace fabric.

Natural Romance in Biyan Spring Summer 2024 Collection
Hadirkan Lebih Dari 100 Koleksi<br>

"Present More Than 100 Collections"

"More than 100 captivating catwalk models showcased the Biyan Spring Summer'24 Collection in front of the audience. Starting from the initial idea, the process of creating this collection took 6 months."

"With a natural theme in a warm color palette, this Biyan summer collection blends with the modern lifestyle that now appears relaxed and versatile."

Natural Romance in Biyan Spring Summer 2024 Collection

"Konsep Busana Koleksi Biyan Spring Summer'24" translates to "Concept of Biyan Spring Summer'24 Fashion Collection" in English.

The concept of Biyan's collection this time carries a loose fashion style but still comfortable with a boyish touch. Some striking fashion elements are oversized bomber jackets, parka coats, jumpsuits, tunics, boyish pants, boxy cropped blouses, side cutout dresses, and A-line pleated skirts.

"Prioritizing comfortable clothes, because life is complicated enough. So, I want to create a concept that I translate by prioritizing comfort, more sporty, more wearable, more comfortable with basic natural colors that can be mixed and matched with many colors,"

"ujar Biyan." translates to "said Biyan."


"Ragam Motif Koleksi Biyan Spring Summer'24" translates to "Collection of Various Patterns by Biyan Spring Summer '24" in English.

In this latest Biyan collection, the variety of motifs becomes the highlight because it has elements of vintage Italian cross stitch embroidery combined with geometric floral patterns and graphic elements. Not only that, insect motifs also become a highlight in this collection.

"This time the motif is more focused on insects, because in reality there are many insects that people don't like, such as flies. But actually, flies are very useful for the ecosystem, as well as ants, where we can learn a lot from their craftsmanship in living as a group. I think aesthetically, it's just interesting for me to translate it into a clothing motif,""

Biyan said. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty.

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