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"Tenun dengan Desain Kontemporer Bisa Jadi Outfit Stylish" translates to "Contemporary Design Woven Fabric Can Become a Stylish Outfit" in English.

Dream - The use of woven fabric in fashion is not only about style and necessity, but also a dedication to preserving cultural heritage with the beauty of patterns and uniqueness. Woven fabric is produced through the art of thread arrangement with meticulousness and skill by the hands of skilled weavers.

Tenun Sumatera Utara Dikemas Jadi Outfit Stylish Bernuansa Kontemporer

During this time, weaving is synonymous with traditional fabric that is only worn by the elderly. In fact, there are many weavings made with contemporary colors and motifs. One of them is the weaving collection from Tobatenun, which oversees more than 200 craftsmen in North Sumatra.

Tenun Sumatera Utara Dikemas Jadi Outfit Stylish Bernuansa Kontemporer

On October 23, 2023, Tobatenun showcased contemporary woven clothing that will be exhibited at Jakarta Fashion Week on October 24, 2023.

Tenun Sumatera Utara Dikemas Jadi Outfit Stylish Bernuansa Kontemporer

"We want to show that traditional fabric can be creatively contemporary, trendy, and not old school. That's what we want to showcase, and we want to challenge the idea that traditional fabric can also appear on that stage (JFW 2024)."

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: Kerri Na Basaria as the Founder & CEO of Tobatenun in the Exclusive Preview of Tobatenun's 'Masa Rani' Collection for JFW, October 23, 2023 in Jakarta.


Ready to Know Tobatenun

Tobatenun has been established five years ago by two Batak women, Kerri Na Basaria and Melvi Tampubolon. During that period, Tobatenun has successfully produced 677 fabrics by utilizing the gedogan tool. Tobatenun's success in presenting high-quality works has been acknowledged by receiving awards from W20 Indonesia 2022, as well as the award for the best craftwork in Indonesia II at the Dekranas Award 2023.


"Sustainable fashion"

"Sustainable fashion is one aspect in the clothing fashion industry that, in its production process, uses environmentally friendly materials. One of the industry players who implements this aspect is Tobatenun. In the process of making woven fabric by Tobatenun, they use environmentally friendly raw materials and dyes."

"The fabrics we use are made from natural materials such as secang, which produces red and sunkist coral colors, then there is tingi that we use for black color, there is also jolawe that produces yellow color, and mahogany is used for orange, brown, and black colors."

said Fatimah, Tobatenun designer.

Variety of motifs in Tobatenun Woven Fabric

Variety of motifs in Tobatenun Woven Fabric

Tobatenun showcases a variety of woven fabric motifs that depict the cultural richness from various regions in North Sumatra, such as Samosir, Tarutung, Meat, Silalahi, Muara, and Siantar.

By utilizing various motifs, Tobatenun successfully creates unique patterns in each fabric thread, thus presenting authentic and impressive beauty.

Tenun Sumatera Utara Dikemas Jadi Outfit Stylish Bernuansa Kontemporer

"If we talk about the fabric motif, there is something called Bekalbuluh derivative and we adopt its embroidery technique and salur technique which means lines."
Kerri explained the motif of the fabric used in her collection this time.


Collection Tobatenun in Jakarta Fashion Week 2024

Tobatenun made its first appearance at Jakarta Fashion Week 2024 with its latest collection titled 'Masa Rani'. Masa Rani is a harvest season in the Karo language, which is a region within the Batak ethnic group and is the largest ethnic group in North Sumatra.

Collection Tobatenun in Jakarta Fashion Week 2024

In the Jakarta Fashion Week 2024 event, Tobatenun will present 16 interesting collections. The materials they use in this collection are linen and cotton with diverse color palettes, ranging from bright to dark. The inspiration for this collection is taken from the meaning in the 'Masa Rani' tradition in Tanah Karo.

Tenun Sumatera Utara Dikemas Jadi Outfit Stylish Bernuansa Kontemporer

"The collection that will be displayed in JFW will have a ready-to-wear look by presenting the categories of top, bottom, and outerwear. Here, we use bandana accessories and bags made from knitted materials. The colors range from light to dark, depicting the enjoyment of the Karo people during the harvest season."

Santi said, designer from Tobatenun. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty.

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