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<b>Paparan Cahaya Bisa Pengaruhi Kesehatan Mental? </b>

"Can Light Exposure Affect Mental Health? "

Pencahayaan Saat Tidur Pengaruhi Kesehatan Mental, Simak Faktanya

Dream – Until now we know that light functions as a source of illumination. Did you know, Dream friends, that light also has a significant impact on mental health?

Every human being has a circadian rhythm or "biological clock" that keeps the body awake and active during the day, and sleepy and asleep at night. Circadian rhythms are very important because they maintain the balance of our bodies. So, how does light affect mental health? Let's find out more!

The impact of exposure to light at night and during the day

The impact of exposure to light at night and during the day

You need to know that at certain times, light is indeed beneficial for the human body. In fact, our bodies should not be exposed to light at night when we are resting. Why is that?

If our body is exposed to light at night, it can disrupt the circadian rhythm, causing our body to respond to it in a negative way. This can then increase the risk of experiencing anxiety, bipolar disorder, stress, and even self-harm.

Pencahayaan Saat Tidur Pengaruhi Kesehatan Mental, Simak Faktanya

Based on a study conducted on 87,000 individuals regarding light, sleep, physical activity, and mental health, it reveals a fact. Apparently, those who are frequently exposed to a large amount of light at night experience a 30% increase in the risk of depression. Not only that, the circadian rhythm system found in the brain will provide a positive response when exposed to light during the day or darkness at night. Therefore, if you continuously expose yourself to light at night, for example, from lamps or gadget screens, it can disrupt this biological clock.

Pencahayaan Saat Tidur Pengaruhi Kesehatan Mental, Simak Faktanya

If your biological clock is disrupted, it can cause sleep problems and have a negative impact on your health. You may experience difficulty sleeping (insomnia), high blood pressure, obesity, heart attacks, digestive problems, and many other health issues.

On the contrary, those who are exposed to a large amount of light during the day experience a decrease in the risk of depression by 20%. Not only that, if our body is exposed to light during the day, it can reduce the risk of psychosis or hallucinations. With that, your mental health will be better preserved.

Pencahayaan Saat Tidur Pengaruhi Kesehatan Mental, Simak Faktanya

"Our findings confirm that the healthiest light pattern is a more natural pattern like bright daylight and dark nighttime,"
said Sean Cain, PhD, one of the study authors and a professor at Monash School of Psychological Sciences and Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health.



Sean Cain also added, the condition of mental illness can be worse at night. This is because to achieve peace, our bodies need light, while at night there is less presence of light.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The Influence of Light on the Body's Circadian Rhythm"

Did you know that exposure to sunlight during the day can help strengthen the circadian rhythm in the body? This is what then helps your body control various activities. When we are exposed to light from lamps at night, it can actually weaken the circadian rhythm.

Pencahayaan Saat Tidur Pengaruhi Kesehatan Mental, Simak Faktanya

It is important to remember that not all types of light are the same. Natural light from the sun is usually much brighter compared to artificial light. But there are also artificial lights that can imitate the effects of sunlight well, especially blue-colored light.

If you are forced to be indoors all day, using brighter and bluer artificial light during the day can be a good choice. In essence, blue light is good to use during the day, but it is best to avoid it at night.

Pencahayaan Saat Tidur Pengaruhi Kesehatan Mental, Simak Faktanya

The Best Type of Light for a Healthy Circadian Rhythm

As we know, the body needs a lot of light during the day and needs a little light at night. If you do a lot of activities indoors, how can you get the right exposure to light that your body needs?

Pencahayaan Saat Tidur Pengaruhi Kesehatan Mental, Simak Faktanya

"To overcome this problem, you can use a smart lamp or intelligent lamp that allows you to adjust the type of light and brightness level yourself."

"At night, you can adjust the light of the lamps to be dimmer and warm in color, like candlelight. You can also use red-colored lamps, as this can maintain the circadian rhythm in the body."

Pencahayaan Saat Tidur Pengaruhi Kesehatan Mental, Simak Faktanya

"Tatiana Rivera Cruz, LICSW, an ADHD counselor and therapist, said that in addition to lifestyle habits such as exercising, good sleep patterns, and consuming healthy food, red light therapy can be very beneficial for health. Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source: Health"

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