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Sederet Selebriti Indonesia Rasakan Kesegaran yang Berbeda di Ajang Jakarta Marathon 2023

A series of Indonesian celebrities experience a different freshness at the Jakarta Marathon 2023 event.

Dream - There was a different sensation during the prestigious running competition in Jakarta that took place on Sunday, October 22, 2023, at Gelorang Bung Karno, Plaza Timur, Jakarta. Nearly 10 thousand runners from all over Indonesia participated in the Jakarta Marathon 2023, not only ordinary people but also a series of public figures from the country were enthusiastic about participating in the running event. They are Bambang Pamungkas, Ricky Harun, Saykoji, Olivia Master Chef Indonesia, Dr. Tirta, and Zaskia Sungkar. The famous figures, along with thousands of other participants, must complete their struggle by passing through the iconic routes in Jakarta.

Despite having different running experiences, they agreed that the different sensation they experienced during this year's Jakarta Marathon was the quality standard of the event, especially the availability of water stations at several locations that were very adequate in terms of both quantity and quality of mineral water, namely Le Minerale. Ricky Harun admitted to being happy to be part of the Jakarta Marathon 2023 and felt quite exhausted to finish until the finish line. With the presence of water stations provided by the committee, he felt very helped to regain his spirit.

"Salute to the committee who has conducted this marathon event with good quality, including the placement of the water stations. Every time we reach a water station, we become more motivated. What's even more impressive, the committee also considers the selection of mineral water. Le Minerale, indeed, is refreshing," said Ricky. This father of four admitted that every time he drinks Le Minerale, he immediately feels its freshness, which restores his spirit to continue until the finish line. "If I feel like giving up, when I encounter another water station, I drink Le Minerale again, and I become fresh again. It goes on like that until I successfully reach the finish line," explained Ricky.

Sederet Selebriti Indonesia Rasakan Kesegaran yang Berbeda di Ajang Jakarta Marathon 2023

Ricky said that at every water station, Le Minerale is present with a refreshing taste that brings a different sensation, not only to meet the fluid needs of the participants but also to replenish lost minerals, so that all runners can feel the freshness until they reach the finish line.

Sederet Selebriti Indonesia Rasakan Kesegaran yang Berbeda di Ajang Jakarta Marathon 2023

"At the same time, the famous Indonesian football athlete, Bambang Pamungkas, is seen always choosing Le Minerale every time he reaches a water station or hydration point."

"The best hydration during heavy activities such as participating in a marathon event is mineral water, but of course not just any mineral water. For me as an athlete, I am used to choosing mineral water with quality minerals like Le Minerale. Le Minerale helps me recover my body's fitness," said Bambang. Bambang admitted that Jakarta Marathon 2023 was his first time participating in a marathon event and the presence of water stations with quality mineral water was very good and helpful for the runners. Quality mineral water not only hydrates, but its mineral content also helps prevent muscle tension and cramps, and the body always feels fresh until the finish line. Bambang also mentioned that Le Minerale has been his reliable choice all this time."

Not only Ricky Harun and Bambang Pamungkas, but also Saykoji and Zaskia Sungkar shared their experiences. Especially for Saykoji, who was recently known to be very focused on changing his habits and lifestyle to become healthier, this marathon event became a separate challenge.

Sederet Selebriti Indonesia Rasakan Kesegaran yang Berbeda di Ajang Jakarta Marathon 2023
Sederet Selebriti Indonesia Rasakan Kesegaran yang Berbeda di Ajang Jakarta Marathon 2023

"Actually, I have only been focusing on sports like this in the past year. I have made many changes, starting from doing various sports slowly, weight lifting, and changing my consumption patterns. Honestly, since reducing all sweet drinks, I switched to Le Minerale," said Saykoji.

He feels that Le Minerale has a delicious taste, doesn't make him nauseous even when consumed in large quantities. In fact, during the journey of transforming a healthy lifestyle, the nutritionist advised him to drink a lot of water that contains minerals to help maintain body health. "I didn't expect that Le Minerale would become part of my own story to become fitter, fresher in living a healthy life, supporting me and even taking me to the marathon event for the first time in my life," he said. Saykoji also added that Le Minerale's packaging is more comfortable to hold and carry everywhere.

Sederet Selebriti Indonesia Rasakan Kesegaran yang Berbeda di Ajang Jakarta Marathon 2023

Meanwhile, the exciting new experience was also expressed by celebrity and hijab fashion designer Zaskia Sungkar. The child of the couple Mark Sungkar and Fanny Bauty revealed that participating in Jakarta Marathon 2023 is her first experience.

"Usually I only see other people's posts. Today is the first time I participate in an event like this, and it turns out to be addictive," she said. The wife of celebrity Irwansyah also said that she had prepared everything, including bringing Le Minerale from the start, to participate in this running event. However, she still believes that the Le Minerale water station is very helpful for the runners."

Sederet Selebriti Indonesia Rasakan Kesegaran yang Berbeda di Ajang Jakarta Marathon 2023

"The Le Minerale water station is very helpful because it keeps our body well-hydrated and replenishes lost minerals. For beginners, my tip is to always fulfill the body's fluid and mineral needs," explained the mother of one child.

Sederet Selebriti Indonesia Rasakan Kesegaran yang Berbeda di Ajang Jakarta Marathon 2023

"\u201cThat's why it's perfect if we choose Le Minerale. Its essential minerals keep our body refreshed during the run, and it also tastes good, making our body feel light and not heavy. We will stay fit until the finish line,\u201d Zaskia concluded."

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