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Fasilitas Mencengangkan Rumah Megah Orang Terkaya India, Salah Satu Lantai Bisa Turun Salju

Amazing Facilities in the Mega House of India's Richest People, One Floor Can Have Snowfall

Stunning Facilities of the Mega Mansion of India's Richest People, One Floor Can Snow

"Dream - Antilia, the magnificent house owned by India's richest person, Mukesh Ambani, has long been in the spotlight. The design, resembling an office building, makes Antilia an interesting architectural icon in the city of Mumbai."

Stunning Facilities of the Mega Mansion of India's Richest People, One Floor Can Snow

With a total of 27 floors, this house is not just an ordinary place to live. Each floor is meticulously arranged and equipped with luxurious facilities.

Floor 9 Special for Cars

The ninth floor, for example, is dedicated to car parking. In this area, there is a collection of Mukesh Ambani's cars whose security is beyond doubt.

Stunning Facilities of the Mega Mansion of India's Richest People, One Floor Can Snow

"Diverse Facilities"

Meanwhile, the sixth floor is dedicated to the family room and Mukesh Ambani's private area. Sports facilities such as swimming pool, gym, running track, as well as entertainment facilities such as bowling and cinema are also available inside the house. Moreover, Antilia has a helipad to facilitate access to various places with a private helicopter.

Stunning Facilities of the Mega Mansion of India's Richest People, One Floor Can Snow

"Snow Room"

One of the most interesting aspects of this house is the existence of a special room designed to produce snow. As a country located in a tropical climate, this facility is certainly rarely seen in areas like Mumbai.


"Development Process"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: Building Antilia itself took five years, which of course required a skilled team and a very large cost. The estimated cost of construction reached around 30 trillion rupiah, making it one of the most expensive property investments in the world.

Stunning Facilities of the Mega Mansion of India's Richest People, One Floor Can Snow
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