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Minum Kopi Setelah Makan Sebaiknya Dihindari, Ini Sebabnya

"Drinking Coffee After Eating Should Be Avoided, Here's Why"

Minum Kopi Setelah Makan Sebaiknya Dihindari, Ini Sebabnya

Dream - Coffee has become one of the most favored drinks by many people. Its delicious taste and distinctive aroma make coffee a very popular beverage.

Minum Kopi Setelah Makan Sebaiknya Dihindari, Ini Sebabnya

Many people have a routine of enjoying a cup of coffee in the early morning, the caffeine content in coffee can make us more focused and awake. Usually, having breakfast with bread is often accompanied by sipping coffee.

There are several people who enjoy coffee after meals. Usually, this is because drowsiness arises. It turns out that this should be avoided. Why? Let's find the answer.

Minum Kopi Setelah Makan Sebaiknya Dihindari, Ini Sebabnya

"Making the Skin Dry"

Enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning can provide energy and health benefits. However, drinking coffee after a meal can hinder the body from obtaining all the nutrients from food and reduce iron absorption by up to 80 percent.

Minum Kopi Setelah Makan Sebaiknya Dihindari, Ini Sebabnya

Iron deficiency in the body can have an impact on skin health. The skin can show signs of paleness and dryness, as well as experience wrinkles.

Dapat Merusak Gigi

"Can Damage Teeth"

Consuming coffee after a meal can inhibit the absorption process of other important minerals, including calcium. Natural calcium is expelled from the body through hair and skin, and the body eliminates it through sweat and urine.

Minum Kopi Setelah Makan Sebaiknya Dihindari, Ini Sebabnya

Consuming coffee can cause an increase in calcium loss in the body, which can lead to tooth brittleness and gum irritation.

"Increasing Cholesterol"

The oil contained in coffee can affect the body's ability to regulate cholesterol. This makes the favorite drink one of the compounds that increase cholesterol levels. The oil contains compounds called kahweol and cafestol, which are found in coffee beans. When kahweol and cafestol are formed during the roasting process of coffee beans, both can affect the lipid balance in the body.


"Damaging Hair"

Drinking coffee after meals can reduce the absorption of important nutrients and have an impact on hair health. Lack of iron in the body makes it difficult for blood circulation to carry oxygen needed to repair body cells, which ultimately can inhibit hair growth and cause hair loss. Report by Amanda Syavira/ Source: Brightside.

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